Dr. Bruce Ramon Vogeli has been working at Teachers College, Columbia University since 1964. Over the last half-century, he has taught dozens of courses, written dozens of papers and books, and graduated not hundreds, but thousands of students. Indeed, just the number of doctoral students, who defended their dissertations with him as advisor, has long passed one hundred.
Dr. Vogeli received his Ph. D. in mathematics and education at the University of Michigan following military service during the Korean War. By the time he was 35, he had been appointed a full professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College, the youngest member of the faculty to achieve that rank. In 1972, he was named the Clifford Brewster Upton Professor of Mathematics Education, an endowed position that he continues to hold.
Dr. Vogeli’s service to the College included chairmanship of the Department of Mathematical Sciences in Education. Under his direction, the program has been the largest such graduate program in the nation and attracted students from throughout the world. Dr. Vogeli’s commitment to diversity and international collaboration led to cooperative relationships with universities in Africa, Asia, and South America. Consultations, meetings, guest lectures, Fulbright professorships—he has been invited all over the world to help with the development of mathematics education.
Dr. Vogeli is a prolific author of textbooks, teachers guides, and professional articles in mathematics education. His forty-year association with the Silver Burdett and Ginn Education Publishing House resulted in more than 100 titles that, in the 1980s and 1990s were used by more than 10 million school children daily.
The fact that Dr. Vogeli has had such a long career does not mean that there has been any diminution in his activity. In the last few years alone he has published a number of books including Special Secondary Schools for the Mathematically Talented, Mathematics and its Teaching in the Southern Americas (coedited with Hector Rosario and Patrick Scott) and his most recent book, Mathematics and its Teaching in the Asia Pacific Region (coedited with John Mack). These books both continue the research that Vogeli has carried out earlier, and mark out new paths for study.
National Science Foundation Fellow
Harold Benjamin Fellow in International Education
Embassy Specialist Award
Distinguished Alumni Award
CUNY Distinguished Service Award
Fulbright Senior Specialist
Senior Fulbright Fellow
Kappa Delta Pi - Educator of the Year
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Director/Instructor for 28 foreign-site mathematics/science workshops for Peace Corps volunteers and host-country teachers
Ghana; Kenya; Botswana; Swaziland; Malawi; Lesotho; Gambia; Tonga; Western Samoa: Fiji: Nepal: Cameroon; Papua New Guinea), 1985-1998.
Coordinator of twenty Foreign Study Tours
Nepal, Chile, Argentina, East Africa, Central America, People’s Republic of China, Iceland, Costa Rica, Korea, Tibet, Finland, etc. (1996 - present)
Director of 38 NSF-NEDEA Institutes
Fulbright Senior Specialist 2002-2007
Bruce Vogeli Scholarship Fund
Mathematics Education
Please join the faculty, friends, and alumni of the Program in Mathematics in honoring Bruce Vogeli, Clifford Brewster Upton Professor of Mathematical Education, by contributing to the Bruce Vogeli Scholarship Fund.