Dr. Erica N. Walker
Professor of Mathematics Education
Teachers College, Columbia University

Selected Presentations

Hidden in plain sight: Mathematics teaching and learning through a storytelling lens. NAM Cox-Talbot Address at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (January 2018). San Diego, CA.
Hidden in plain sight: Lessons for mathematics education seen through a storytelling lens. (February 2017). The 4th Annual Edmund W Gordon Lecture at Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.
Reimagining spaces for mathematics learning: Lessons from the past and present (the Etta Z Falconer Lecture) (April 2016). Keynote address at Spelman College. Atlanta, GA.
"Representing the Race": Black mathematicians and the paths to excellence. Joint Mathematics Meetings (American Mathematical Society/Mathematical Association of America), Baltimore, MD, January 2014.
Developing multiple pathways for STEM students. College Board National Forum Panel, New York City, NY, October 2013.
Engaging diverse students in mathematics and capitalizing on their strengths. Corporation for Public Broadcasting PBS LearningMedia Math Project Conference, Boston, MA, April 2013.
The power of mathematics communities: Teaching and learning in multiple spaces. Inaugural lecture for the Noyce Teacher Scholars STEM Colloquium Series, Barnard College, New York, NY, February 2013.
(Panelist). Reforming education: What's working for urban America? National Urban League Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, July 2012.
Building classroom culture and student agency in mathematics: A research response. Algebra Project Working Conference, Princeton, NJ, May 2012.
Mathematics engagement in multiple spaces: The role of academic communities. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Pre-Session, Philadelphia, PA, April 2012.
(With N. Alexander). Urban elementary school students' academic communities in mathematics. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2012.
Re-imagining mathematical spaces: Cultivating mathematics identity, learning, and achievement. Benjamin Banneker Association Conference, "Beyond the Numbers". Temple and Arcadia Universities, Philadelphia, PA, June 2010.
Facilitating mathematics success for underrepresented students of color. Region 10 Educational Services Center, Dallas, TX, June 2009.
What can we learn from Black high achievers in mathematics? Invited Address, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting: Equity: All Means All, Washington, DC, April 2009.
Models of excellence: What schools and communities can learn from black mathematicians. University of Maryland College of Education, College Park, MD, December 2008.
Rethinking mathematics teaching and learning in urban high schools. Stanford University School of Education, Stanford, CA, April 2008.

Better teaching, better learning: Enhancing connections between elementary mathematics and teacher education programs. North Carolina State University College of Education, February 2008.
Understanding educational equity and excellence at scale. Invited panel and author. Annenberg Institute for Educational Reform, Brown University, February 2006.PDF