Engage Ataxia

Physical Activity Coaching Program via Telehealth for People with Ataxia (Engage-Ataxia)

We are no longer recruiting participants for this study. Thank you to everyone who expressed interest and to all our participants. Your contributions are invaluable to our research. Please check our publication page regularly for updates on our findings.


Engage-Ataxia is a physical activity coaching program. It provides the opportunity for individuals diagnosed with Cerebellar Ataxia to gain access to one-on-one expert advice and guidance from licensed physical and/or occupational therapists on the topics of physical activity and exercise engagement at Columbia University Medical Center. The coaching program involves an initial assessment and coaching session (approximately 60 minutes), up to five follow up coaching sessions (approximately 30 minutes each), and a follow up assessment, which can all be completed remotely. The coaching sessions provide individualized, structured support to facilitate and optimize exercise uptake as part of an effective self-management program. The structure of the coaching program is based on previous research in neurodegenerative disease conducted at the NRL.


Project Leads: Lori Quinn Chelsea Macpherson

Project Member: Kelsey Kempner Miriam King


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