Meetings and Events


Meetings of the Staff Advocacy and Support Council (SASC) are currently held every other Wednesday.

Additionally, the Staff Advocacy and Support Council (SASC) Chair will hold a minimum of three meetings per academic year for the Professional Staff Assembly (PSA).

The purpose of the PSA (a PSAM: Professional Staff Assembly Meeting) is:

  1. to exercise professional leadership in cooperation with the faculty and administration in order to support the College's mission to deliver quality education;
  2. to provide a forum for discussion of all issues affecting the professional and economic welfare of the professional staff, and to formulate and communicate a consensus achieved by the membership on these issues;
  3. to report updates and issues affecting the professional staff at the College;
  4. to encourage simultaneously a sense of empowerment and responsibility while recognizing the diversity of the professional staff; and
  5. to promote opportunities for the representation of the professional staff in appropriate areas of College governance.


Past SASC Involved Events



3/15/2023 Work & Life: Connecting the Dots: Wellness from the Inside Out (Professional Development event)
Spring 2023 SASC Book Club
1/11/2023 Community Giveback with Broadway Community, Inc
Fall 2022 SASC Book Club
10/18/2022 Professional Staff Assembly (Wine and cheese social)


Juneteenth Walking Tour (cosponsored by the Vice President's Office for Diversity & Community Affairs and Graduate Student Life & Development)


Work & Life: Connecting the Dots (Professional Development event)


Time to Hit Pause & Stretch: Strech Break with Jason Spencer

Spring 2022

SASC Book Club

SASC Walking Group


PSAM: Afternoon Trivia with SASC

Fall 2021

SASC Book Club


Moving TC Forward: Fall 2020 Town Hall


Virtual Employee Town Hall with Senior Leadership 


Excel Training Workshop 


Professional Staff Fall Gathering with Donuts, Cider & Coffee


End of Summer BBQ 


Professional Staff Assembly Meeting (PSAM) 


Professional Staff Assembly Meeting (PSAM)


Professional Staff Assembly Meeting & BBQ

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