Bitterman, Jeanne E. (jeb59)

Jeanne E Bitterman

Senior Lecturer

Office Location:

270 GDodge

Office Hours:

By appointment.

Educational Background

  • B.A., Queens College of the City University of New York - English Literature
  • M.A., New York University - Counseling
  • M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University - Adult Learning and Leadership, Department of Organization and Leadership

Scholarly Interests

  • Research Sponsorship – primary sponsor of over 60 successfully defended studies
  • Cultivation of Learning Communities
  • Distance Learning
  • Professional Development in Healthcare and Organizational Settings
  • Commitment to Social Action
  • Facilitation of Learning in Individual, Group and Organizational Settings
  • Critical Literacy & Adult Basic Education; International Women's Development & Empowerment Issues

Selected Publications

"When the Levees Broke" – An Exploration of Race and Class In An Educational Institution's Community Building Initiative: Utilizing Video & Action Research Formats for Incremental Transformative Learning and Culture Change," Transformative Learning Conference Proceedings, 8 pp. Nov. 2009

"Un-privatizing: A bridge to learning in depression," Virginia Crowe and Jeanne Bitterman, The Grounded Theory Review: An International Journal. Vol 8 no 1 pp. 31-52, 2009

"The Levees Community Building Intiatives,- Focus Group Reports" TC Community Building News, Vol 1, Issue 1, (pp 1-2); Teachers College, Columbia University, Office for Diversity and Community Affairs. Report on First Year's Initiatives. June 2009

"Second Community Building Event Interim Report from October 15, 2008," Teachers College Management Network and the President's Office for Diversity and Community Affairs. Feb 2009.

"First Community Building Event Report, from June 2008," Teachers College Management Network and the President's Office for Diversity and Community Affairs. Sept 2008

"Utilizing CoPs - Concepts in Adult Education Doctoral Study" Chapter 16, pp 311-332 in Communities of Practice: Creating Learning Environments for Educators. Paul Hildreth & Chris Kimble (eds.), Information Age Publishers, 2008 London, UK. ISBN 13:978-1-59311-862-4 2008.

"Race, Class, and Katrina in When the Levees Broke: Lessons designed for adult audiences," Bitterman, Rimmer and Alcantara, Ch. 4 in Teaching the Levees: A Curriculum for Democratic Dialogue and Civic Engagement, Margaret Crocco, ed., Teachers College Press, ISBN: 978-0-8077-5100-8, 2007

"Learning Communities" pp. 21-34, chapter in From the Learning Organization to Learning Communities toward a Learning Society, ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Ed, Info. Series #382, Center on Education and training for Employment, Ohio State, Columbus, Ohio, 2000

"Antilogical Aspects of Graduate Study in Adult Ed: Reflections on Motivational Conflicts in the AEGIS Program Experience" , pp. 81-115, chapter in Adult Education in the Perspective of the Learners, Knud Illeris, editor. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University Press and the Danish Labour Market Authority and the Education Ministry, Denmark, 2000.

"Overcoming Remoteness in CME Videoteleconferencing: 'I Want My MD TV' ", Bitterman, Schappert, J. and J. Schaefer. The Journal of Cont. Ed in the Health Professions,Vol 20, #1, Winter, 2000

"Using Qualitative Research Methods: Moving Beyond Felt Needs in CME Design and Delivery" The Journal of Continuing Ed in the Health Professions, Vol. 19, #1., pp. 25-34 "Enhancing Educational Effectiveness in CME Winter 1999

Videoteleconferencing: What the Office Can do to Institutionally Increase Quality, Visuals, and Interactivity in CME Presentations, Alliance for CME: Almanac, Vol. 20, No. 3. 1998.

"What Do CME Course Directors Want From CME Leadership," Alliance for CME: Almanac, Vol 20, No. 1. 1998.

Workshops In the Workplace – A Guidebook for Administrators and Instructors Providing Workplace Education to the Health and Manufacturing Industries, Oct 1995 U.S. Department of Education, National Workplace Literacy Program, 144 pages. Available through Amazon.

"A Look At What's Happening Around the Country: New York City's Offsite Ed Services," in Dropout Prevention Newsletter, Publication of the National Dropout Prevention Center, Vol. 4., No. 4, p. 4. Fall 1990.

"Students at Risk-The Housing Community: NYCHA and OES,"The Benchmark: A Bimonthly Report on Occupational Ed in NY State, NYSED, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 6. Sept 1990

"Federally Funded ABE: Community Based Delivery – An Alternative?", in Adult Ed and BasicLiteracy, Texas A & M, Vol. 25, 8. Fall 1985.

"Book Review: Materials & Methods for Teaching Adults, John P. Wilson, ed., Jossey-Bass, 1983" in Lifelong Learning, AAACE, Winter 1984.

Managing the GED Program: A Handbook for Administrators, Bitterman, J. et al. Division of Continuing Ed, NYSED, ISBN: 80-7820. 1981

Los Examenes de "GED" En Espanol – Dessarrolo De3 Educacion General, Bitterman, J. et al. Division of Cont. Ed, NYSED, ISBN: 80-7263. 1980.

  • Provost Grant – Exploring Collaborative relationships with CU CP&S, 2011-2012
  • Dean's Award -Excellence in Teaching, Teachers College, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006
  • First Distinguished Alumni Award, Adult Learning and Leadership - AEGIS 20 Year Reunion, 2005
  • Institute for Educational Leadership, 1983–1984
  • Main Event Management Institute, 1982-1983
  • International Fellow, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, 1979-80
  • Teachers College Scholarship, 1978-1980

Wednesdays, 2pm-5pm; Mondays 1pm-3pm; and by appointment.

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