Understanding Educational Complexities

Understanding Educational Complexities: On Equitable and Transformative Teaching and Learning Processes in a Municipal System of Early Childhood Education

Cristina M. Madeira Coelho – Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Carolina Velho – Cultura, Educação e Infâncias (CEI) 
Luciana Oliveira – Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal (SEEDF)
Rhaisa Pael – UnB 



In 2019-2020, the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) is being implemented in Brazil. This is an opportunity to understand the impact of its application, specifically at the municipal level, which has the legal responsibility to operate Early Childhood Education (ECE). This multidimensional research project aims to map the processes, actions, relationships, and affects of different agents involved in the municipal implementation of education policy and practices in Cidade Ocidental, Goiás. Considering the complexity of a Brazilian municipal education system, we ask: (1) How will the managers perceive their role(s) within the municipal education system and how do their perceptions influence their enactment of the changes proposed by BNCC?; (2) How will the managers and teachers enact changes proposed by BNCC?; (3) How will the changes proposed by BNCC inform the relationships among teachers and children in everyday pedagogical practices? (4) How will the changes proposed by the BNCC and their enactment by multiple agents inform how quality is conceptualized in early childhood education? In addressing these questions, in addition to understanding the implementation of the BNCC in a municipal system, we aim to co-construct quality indicators for early childhood education. Data will be collected mainly by the presence of researchers in schools, aiming to document and understand the teachers' plans, artifacts, and organization and their impact on the educational dynamic and equity of opportunities for children. Specifically, we will engage in observations, analysis of artifacts (in federal, municipal, and school realms), and interviews. Findings will inform the improvement of early childhood teaching and teacher education.

Video: ENG Cristina and Rhaisa

Video: PORT Cristina Rhaisa

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