New Jersey Phasing Out Special Education | Teachers College Columbia University

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New Jersey Phasing Out Special Education

New Jersey state officials have been planning since the early 1990's to phase out special schools and programs that provide places for developmentally disabled students.

New Jersey state officials have been planning since the early 1990's to phase out special schools and programs that provide places for developmentally disabled students. The stated goal is to send special-education students to regular public schools where recent research indicates that they may fare better.

TC Professor Celia Oyler said, "We have very strong evidence from 25 years of research, that the outcomes for students with disabilities, the long-term life outcomes, increase by being in general education settings with the appropriate education support. Levels of competitive employment is much higher. The levels of independent mobility in the community is higher. The level of friendship and social support is higher."

The article, entitled "Thoughts of New School Worries Mom" appeared in the April 8th edition of the Star Ledger .

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Published Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2001


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