New Report: Can After-School Programs Help Level the Playing Field for Disadvantaged Youth?
The Campaign for Educational Equity releases today the latest report in its Equity Matters series, “Can After-School Programs Help Level the Playing Field for Disadvantaged Youth?” (Research Review No. 4). The report was written by researchers Margo Gardner and Jodie L. Roth of the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF), and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, the Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Child Development and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and co-director of NCCF.
The report provides the most current and comprehensive review of the literature on after-school programs with a special focus on equity. It describes the current state of after school, compares rates of participation across socioeconomic groups, and reviews the evidence on the academic benefits of participating in after-school programs. The authors attempt to quantify the potential impact of increasing disadvantaged youths’ rates of after-school participation on achievement gaps and discuss steps that could be taken to increase their access to high quality, sustainable after-school programs. They also make recommendations for future research and policy.
Electronic copies of this volume are available free of charge on the Campaign for Educational Equity’s website, If you would like to purchase a print copy, please contact us at
The following event will feature the authors and their findings. The event is free and open to the public. It will also be available via podcast at
Equity in Education Forum: Can After-School Programs
Help Level the Playing Field for Disadvantaged Youth?
October 7, 2009,
3:30 -5 PM • 179 Grace Dodge Hall, Teachers College • 525 W 120th Street, New
York, NY • View Event
Other reports in the Equity Matters series:
- Kagan, Sharon L. (2009). American early childhood: Preventing or perpetuating inequity? Equity Matters: Research Review No. 3. New York: The Campaign for Educational Equity.
- Ready, Douglas (2008). Class-size reduction: Policy, politics and implications for equity. Equity Matters: Research Review No. 2. New York: The Campaign for Educational Equity.
- Garcia, Ofelia, Jo Anne Kleifgen & Lorraine Falchi (2008). From English language learners to emergent bilinguals. Equity Matters: Research Review No. 1. New York: The Campaign for Educational Equity.
Published Friday, Oct. 16, 2009