TC's Amy Stuart Wells Elected to National Academy of Educati... | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC's Amy Stuart Wells Elected to National Academy of Education

Wells, who earned her Ph.D. from TC in 1991, is a leading authority on educational policy, race and education, charter schools, school desegregation, and school choice policy.
Amy Stuart Wells, TC Professor of Sociology and Education, is one of 14 newly elected members of the National Academy of Education.

The National Academy gathers American and international education researchers to discuss trends and issues in the field.

"The newly elected members are preeminent leaders in their respective areas of educational research, and we are honored to welcome them to the Academy," said Michael Feuer, president of the academy, in a statement.

Wells, who earned her Ph.D. from TC in 1991, is a leading authority on educational policy, race and education, charter schools, school desegregation, and school choice policy. She has authored  or or edited several highly regarded books, including  Stepping Over the Color Line: African-American Students in White Suburban Schools (1997, with Robert L. Crain); Both Sides Now: The Story of Desegregation's Graduates (2009); and Time to Choose: America at the Crossroads of School Choice Policy (1993).

To learn more about Amy Stuart Wells, read:

They Remember Larry
Why NYC Should Make Diversity a School Choice
TC's Bailey, Henig, Wells Named AERA Fellows
"School Choice" Means the Schools Get to Choose
A Plea for Partisanship in Education
Through Integration
TC Study of Long Island School Districts Finds De Facto Segregation Compromises Education Opportunities
Briefing the Court on School Integration

Published Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


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