The Office Corner: A Place to Hang His Hat | Teachers College Columbia University

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A Place to Hang His Hat

George Bonanno in his office at Teachers College

The statue wearing George Bonanno’s dusty straw hat isn’t visible here, but Bonanno, who studies emotional resilience, has made 426 Horace Mann home. It’s also a time capsule of his career, with his mementos from riding railroad boxcars, sketches of Charlie Parker and Frank Zappa (Bonanno plays flute), and Chinese antiquities (he admires Eastern cultures). Marcello, a plastic skull, displays the muscle that governs frowning. There are books: The Emperor of All Maladies; Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. So if the doctor is in, pull up a reconstituted chair and stay a while.

Published Monday, Jun. 8, 2015


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