TC Staff Member Models How to Have Difficult Classroom Talks | Teachers College Columbia University

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TC Staff Member Models How to Have Difficult Classroom Talks


Cornelius ​Minor, a staff developer at TC's Reading & Writing Project and a strong advocate for equity in the classroom, facilitated an on-the-fly addition to the 2016 International Literacy Association's (ILA) 2016 Conference and Exhibits program in Boston.

Simply titled “Impromptu Conversation Led by Cornelius Minor,” the ILA's Literacy Daily reports that the "session was meant to engage ILA colleagues about how to talk about recent tragedies around the world—events that have had conference attendees talking, that have had the media enraptured, that have left most people flummoxed about what to do next."

"Minor did not spend an hour rehashing new stories from the last month, nor did he rail against injustices. Instead, he took the time to show how to model a conversation about a difficult topic using a method that could be used on a variety of subjects or tailored for a variety of classrooms."

Read the full story in Literacy Daily.

Published Friday, Jul 15, 2016

Cornelius Minor
Cornelius Minor