The Contributions of Morton Deutsch: The first in a blog series by TC's Peter Co | Teachers College Columbia University

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The Contributions of Morton Deutsch: A blog by Peter Coleman begins with the elements of cooperation and preventing nuclear war

The late Morton Deutsch, the TC psychologist who helped found the field of conflict resolution.
The late Morton Deutsch, the TC psychologist who helped found the field of conflict resolution.
The contributions of Morton Deutsch, the great TC psychologist and conflict resolution pioneer who died earlier this year, to promoting a just, peaceful and sustainable world are too numerous and varied to be captured in a single story. Over the next several weeks, a series of blogs about Deutsch's work written by Peter Coleman, Professor of Psychology & Education and director of TC's Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution will appear inPsychology TodayThe Huffington Post and other online publications nationwide.

The first blog: Deutsch's ideas about how to keep nations from engaging in thermonuclear war.

The second blog: Deutsch's elements of cooperation and competition.

Published Thursday, Aug 17, 2017