Card Features

Card Features

Hours of Operation

Fall through Spring 

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm


Mon - Thurs, 9am - 5pm
Fri, 9am - 1pm

University ID Card provides students, faculty and staff of Teachers College and affiliated institutions with access and borrowing privileges at  Teachers College Gottesman Libraries and Columbia University Libraries.

While all Columbia University, Barnard College, Union Theological Seminary and Teacher's College students and most employees are granted borrowing privileges automatically, certain libraries may have their own borrowing restrictions. The Library Information Office in 201 Butler administers borrowing privileges based on registration or employment status, please visit them if you feel you should have access to a library but do not.

University ID Cards must be swiped at each entrance to gain access to the Teachers College campus. Some buildings on the Columbia University campus also require a University ID Card for entry.

Some areas at TC such as Residence Halls and offices also require an University ID Card to be swiped for entry. At these locations, card readers display either a red or green light. Solid green means the door is unlocked and no action is required. Solid red means the door is locked. Place your card over the reader to gain access. One of two actions will take place. Flashing green and red means access is granted, and the door will unlock. A green flash followed by solid red means a valid University ID Card is read, but access is denied.

All TC students and employees are automatically granted access to Alfred Lerner Hall. If you have any questions about the access policy, or want other information about the facility, please visit the Alfred Lerner Hall website.

Not all TC students are automatically granted access to the Dodge Fitness Center (DFC); however, the TC community, including faculty and staff, may be eligible for paid membership. For more information about access to the facility, please check out Dodge Fitness Center access, or if you want other information about the facility, please check out the Dodge Fitness Center website.

The back of each University ID Card lists the cardholder's role (Student, Employee, Instructional Staff, Contractor, Visitor, Library Member, Retiree, Alumni) and the associated institution (TC, CU, BC, UTS). Cardholders can have multiple institutions and roles on a single card.

University ID Cards are valid for a maximum period of time determined by the cardholder's primary role, listed below. Note that cards may be deactivated earlier if the primary role is changed, and that an unexpired card does not guarantee access. An expired University ID Card cannot be reactivated, and must be returned to Card Services in order to receive a new valid card.

Student: 5 years
Employee: 10 years
Instructional Staff: 10 years
Contractor: 1 year
Visitor: 1 year
Library Member: 10 years
Retiree: 10 years
Alumni: 10 years

The Passport to Museums program grants current students free admission to over 30 museums throughout New York City. A current year validation sticker is required for museum entry. Stickers are available from Card Services in Whittier Hall Suite 1B. More information on the program is available from the Arts Initiative at Columbia University.

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