C&T 4021 Nature and needs of gifted students
This introductory course in gifted education explores a number of issues related to the psychology and education of gifted students, including conceptions of giftedness, educational provisions for gifted students, creativity, and economically disadvantaged gifted students. Issues of race, class, gender, and disability status as they interact with the construct of giftedness are examined.
C&T 4022 Instructional models in the education of gifted students
What should gifted students learn? How can we differentiate the curriculum for gifted learners in order to meet their special needs more effectively? These and other questions will be addressed in this course devoted to the discussion, analysis, and evaluation of instructional models designed or adapted for gifted students. Emphasis will be placed on the principles of curricular differentiation and on providing an overview of a range of models designed to modify content, enhance the development of thinking skills, and enhance creativity. Issues of defining giftedness and of defensible differentiated curriculum will also be explored.
C&T 4023 Differentiated curriculum for gifted students
This course examines the characteristics of appropriate and defensible curriculum for gifted children and youth. Particular emphasis is placed on instructional strategies, curriculum theories, flexible grouping techniques, and meeting the needs of gifted learning in the regular classroom.
C&T 4025 Nurturing Gifts and Talents in the Early Childhood Years
The theme of this course centers on the potential and promise of all young children ages three through eight. Through workshop style sessions, visits to our early childhood lab school on campus, and guests talks from practitioners, we will grapple with how best to support each child's interests, passions, and over all development. We will take a critical stance as we examine the "deficit" perspective that disregards each child's full and unique profile. In our time together we will sample a variety of topics and ponder the best ways to support and celebrate the development of the full potential of our youngest learners.
C&T 4026 Giftedness and Intelligence
In this course, we explore theories of intelligence, which have served as a theoretical basis for the field of gifted education from its beginning. Starting with the work of Francis Galton in the 19th century and following through to the present day, we will critically examine and problematize such constructs as intelligence, creativity, and giftedness as well as such related topics as mental measurements.
C&T 4027 Differentiated instruction of gifted students in the heterogeneous classroom
Gifted students are present in almost every elementary, middle school, and high school classroom. The educational needs of these students can and must be met within this context. This workshop will provide an overview of curricular and instructional strategies designed to enhance the optimal development of gifted learners (and all learners) in the regular classroom. Topics will include general curricular modifications, management techniques, instructional strategies, individual learning opportunities, and outcomes and assessments. Special consideration will be given to those methods of differentiation that can be integrated readily into the learning environment of mixed-ability classrooms.
C&T 4029 Creativity: Its nature and nurture
An examination and critical appraisal of theories of creativity, test development to measure creativity, and methods designed to enhance the creativity of children and adults.
C&T 5024 Planning and Implementing Gifted Programs
In this course, we examine factors affecting the planning and implementation of programs for students identified as gifted, components of gifted programs, and a systems approach to program planning. Students develop written program plans for specific settings. Issues of race, class, gender, and disability status as they affect the planning of gifted programs are examined. No prior experience with or knowledge of gifted education is required.
C&T 5302 Advanced practicum-giftedness
Permission required. Guided experiences for advanced students in Giftedness. Supervised group field visits. Initial internships arranged. Students submit reports analyzing experiences.
C&T 5506 Seminar in gifted education
This is a topical seminar that examines such issues as identification of gifted students in New York City schools, equity in gifted education, the effects of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, and whether gifted students are necessary for gifted education. Discussions by Skype with leading scholars in the field of gifted education will expose students to contemporary concerns in this field. No prior experience with or knowledge of gifted education is required.
C&T 5902 Independent study--giftedness
Permission required. Qualified students work under guidance on practical research problems. Proposed work must be outlined prior to registration; final written report required.