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HUDK 4011 Networked and Online Learning

The course explores the social dimensions of online learning. The course begins by reviewing the uniquely social dimensions of learning in general and then turns to an examination of the transition to the information age that has made online or networked learning possible. The course next covers how traditional social forms such as classrooms, schools, professions, and libraries have been represented in online learning venues followed by consideration of new and emerging social forms such as digital publishing, social networks and social media, adaptive learning technologies, and immersive and interactive environments. The course concludes by examining macro-level factors that shape the opportunities for online learning.

HUDK 4015 Psychology of thinking

Examines cognitive psychology theories and research about various kinds of thinking, what each kind is best suited for, and problems people have with it. Also examines the best ways of learning from each kind of thinking. Critically examines the various thinking skills curricula that have been proposed.

HUDK 4027 How Children Learn Math

The development of informal and formal mathematical thinking from infancy through childhood with implications for education.

HUDK 4029 Human cognition and learning

Cognitive and information-processing approaches to attention, learning, language, memory, and reasoning.

HUDK 4035 Technology and human development

Examines the use and design of various educational technologies (computer software, multimedia shareware, TV, World Wide Web sites, etc.) from the perspective of basic research and theory in human cognitive and social development. Provides a framework for reasoning about the most developmentally appropriate uses of technology for people at different ages.

HUDK 4080 Educational psychology

Examines landmark issues in educational psychology, highlighting philosophical underpinnings and empirical evidence, tracing each issue from its roots to contemporary debates and evaluating current educational practice.

HUDK 4902 Research and independent study

Permission required.

HUDK 5020 The development of creativity

Major theories and contemporary research in creative work, emphasizing case studies of exceptional and historically influential individuals.

HUDK 5023 Cognitive development

Theory and research on the development of cognitive processes across the lifespan.

HUDK 5025 Spatial thinking

Analyzes research on how people learn, mentally represent, mentally transform, describe, and act on the spaces they encounter. Mental models of and transformations of space underlie the way people think about abstract domains, so thought about space has implications for thought in general. Implications for education and HCI are considered.

HUDK 5030 Visual explanations

Surveys production and comprehension of visualizations ranging from ancient cave paintings and petroglyphs to diagrams, charts, graphs, comics, picture books, photographs, gesture, and film to extract and apply techniques for conveying objects, actions, forces relations, and emotions, meanings that are both inherently visible and non-visible. Implications for education, art, media, and HCI are drawn.

HUDK 5035 Psychology of media

Covers psychological theories and research that relate to various media and what people learn directly and indirectly from them.

HUDK 5063 Cognitive development beyond childhood

Examination of all aspects of cognitive functioning over the major portion of the life cycle that occurs beyond childhood, addressing both common patterns and individual and cultural variations. A particular focus will be critical examination of the research methods by which such knowledge is gained.

HUDK 5090 Psychology of language and reading

Basic theories, empirical findings, and educational applications in the psychology of language and reading: the cognitive processes involved in the perception and production of oral and written language.

HUDK 5197 The Psychology of E-learning in Business and Industry

This course will focus on the design of online learning experiences in workplace environments, from a perspective that looks to put academic research into practice. Real-world cases, including numerous demonstrations of real-life courses and systems, will be used to explore uses of online learning in the workplace for both training and “just-in-time” performance support purposes. This course will cover a variety of online learning methods, including simulations, games, mobile learning, social learning, uses of artificial intelligence, and learning in virtual reality environments. The methods and case studies will be examined with an eye toward relevant research in the areas of education, software usability, and cognitive psychology. Potential career paths for someone interested in the field of workplace e-learning will also be discussed.

HUDK 5324 Research Practicum

Students learn research skills by participating actively in an ongoing faculty research project.

HUDK 6523 Seminar in cognitive development

Permission required. Advanced topics in research and theory in cognitive development.

HUDK 6539 Research practicum in educational psychology, cognition, and learning

Permission required. Limited to doctoral candidates in psychology.

HUDK 6902 Advanced research and independent study

Permission required.

HUDK 7502 Dissertation seminar

Permission required. Development of doctoral dissertation and presentation of plans for approval. Registration limited to two terms.

HUDK 8901 Dissertation Advisement - Human Cognition/Learning

Individual advisement on doctoral dissertation. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term. See catalog section on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees.

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