Welcome Message from Stephanie J. Rowley

About the Office of the Provost

KerryAnn O’Meara is Vice President of Academic Affairs, Provost and Dean of the College. She works closely with the President and senior administrative leaders to provide strategic and operational direction for the College. As the chief academic officer, Provost O’Meara steers the College’s academic enterprise in accordance with its mission, including providing direction and support for ten department chairs, who oversee 45 academic programs. 

The Provost manages a diverse portfolio and is responsible for stewarding educational programs and planning, faculty affairs, teaching and learning, research and scholarship, accreditation and assessment, international affairs, institutional research and assessment, the academic budget, continuing education, online learning, and the library. She is joined by a Provost’s leadership team which includes an Associate Provost, Administrative Director, Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Global Engagement, Vice Dean for Teacher Education and Community Partnerships,  Vice Dean for Digital Innovation, Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs, Vice Dean for Student Success and Strategy, Vice Dean for Research, Director of Budget and Finance, Director of Institutional Research, and Director of Academic Affairs. 

Since joining Teachers College in July, 2023, Provost O’Meara has initiated and led a series of cross-campus dialogues with President Bailey, titled TC Commitments. These dialogues, focused on TC’s commitments to students, scholarship, partnerships, and to each other and the College, will result in the creation of a vision and action statement to help guide enactment of our mission over the next five years.

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