Sexual Respect

Sexual Respect at Columbia

For more information, please visit Sexual Respect at Columbia University.

Columbia University is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment free from discrimination, harassment, and gender-based misconduct. Under University policies, these types of behaviors include discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, gender-based harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence. The University encourages everyone to become familiar with the types of behaviors that constitute misconduct and with the University’s policies and procedures.

Any member of the Columbia community who believes she or he has experienced discrimination, harassment, or gender-based misconduct is encouraged to report the incident to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action or Student Services for Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct. Upon receiving the report, the office contacted will respond promptly and thoroughly in accord with its policies. In addition, Columbia offers a number of confidential resources to community members who believe they have been subjected to any form of discrimination, harassment, or gender-based misconduct.

University employees play an important role in stopping discrimination, harassment, and gender-based misconduct. Employees who learn of suspected instances of this type of behavior, directly or indirectly, have a duty to report the information immediately to the appropriate office identified within this site. Confidential resources on campus (mental-health counselors, medical providers, clergy, and rape-crisis counselors) are not bound by this duty except as required by law.

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