Points of Connection
As this Annual Report illustrates, Teachers College is a place where cutting-edge ideas arise from powerful traditions. Some of those traditions date to the College’s beginnings, while others have been established along the way. TC’s success in reuniting with its 90,000 alumni and creating a vibrant extended family around the world is a direct result of three traditions that have taken root during the past decade: Academic Festival, our signature spring homecoming event showcasing the best thinking of our faculty, students and alumni, which will mark its 10th anniversary this coming April; Global TC Day, our biennial celebration of the College in locations around the globe; and the proliferation of regional TC alumni associations, which now number 23 and counting.
Read on to learn more about these and other inspiring alumni doings – and get involved yourself by contacting us at tcalumni@tc.edu, volunteering or participating in Academic Festival 2018 or one of our other exciting events. We’re building new TC traditions all the time – and we want you to be part of them!
Rosella Garcia
Senior Director, Alumni Relations
TC alumni are making an impact here at TC and around the world. View our alumni newsmakers in the gallery below.
Academic Presence
TC faculty and students reunited with alumni at meetings of education’s major professional societies, including the National Council of Teachers of English, the Association for the Study of Higher Education, the American Speech–Language–Hearing Association, the Comparative & International Education Society, the American College Personnel Association, the American Association of School Administrators, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the Association of International Educators and, of course, the American Educational Research Association.
TC2U – Thanks a Million Tour
As part of her final year in office, TC President Susan Fuhrman is visiting with alumni around the world and celebrating the achievements of those who have made important contributions at the regional level. To see where President Fuhrman has been this year and find out where she’ll go next, please visit tc.edu/alumni/events.
- Boston: President Fuhrman was joined by Pearl Rock Kane, Director of TC’s Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership. The evening’s local Alumni Impact awardees were George Papayannis (M.A. ’03), Dorothy R. Pieniadz (Ed.D. ’53) and Debra Wein (M.S. ’94).
- Philadelphia: Alumni Impact awardees Virginia Lucas (M.Ed. ’75) and Dorothy Del Bueno (Ed.D. ’76) were honored at a luncheon.
- Honolulu: A reception featured Alumni Impact awardees Sandra Chang (M.A. ’71) and Lillian Tyau (M.A. ’60)
Connect With Us
There are now 23 regional alumni groups operating worldwide, with alumni volunteers in Brazil, California and Korea leading robust regional development that often features TC alumni and faculty or dovetails with professional conferences, book talks and other gatherings.
Keep In Touch
Stay in touch with alumni working and living near you. Visit our Facebook page to find a regional group near you for opportunities to meet and network with fellow graduates and stay connected to TC!