About Us

Mission of the Center

The Center on Chinese Education, Teachers College Columbia University (CoCE) is aimed at contributing to a better understanding of education in China and to educational exchange between the United States and China. It seeks to achieve this mission through three categories of activities: research and development, education and training, as well as, outreach and exchange. These activities draw upon the historically special relationship between Chinese education and Teachers College, the interests and expertise of the faculty at Teachers College, as well as expertise and resources outside of Teachers College.

Funding of the Center

The Center on Chinese Education is grateful for a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to support its activities for three years, beginning on July 1, 2000. It also gratefully acknowledges additional financial support from the Ford Foundation, the Lingnan Foundation, the Crosston Finance Co., the Schulz Charitable Foundation, and the iPartners Holdings Limited.

The Center on Chinese Education has also received generous research grants and donations from Peking UniversityBeijing Normal University, the Mingyuan Foundation, the Laoniu Foundation, and EduChina Group.

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