What We Do
Research and Development
Mostly through the research & development projects of the faculty and researchers at Teachers College Columbia University and their collaborators, the Center on Chinese Education seeks to contribute towards a better understanding of educational development and policies in China. The current projects sponsored by the Center on Chinese Education are briefly described in the following.
Improving education for children of migrant workers: This project examines alternative policies for improving the financing and quality of basic education for children of migrant workers in urban China, including Beijing, Shanghai, andGuangzhou. It involves the collaboration of faculty and students from Teachers College Columbia University, BeijingNormal University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, and South China Normal University.
Expanding lifelong education for migrant workers: This project examines alternative models of expanding lifelong education opportunities for migrant workers in China. It involves the collaboration of faculty and students from EastChina Normal University, Peking University, and Teachers College Columbia University.
Financing of compulsory education: This project examines alternative policies for strengthening the financing of and equalization in compulsory education in China. It involves the collaboration of faculty and students from TeachersCollege Columbia University and Peking University.
World Class Universities: This project examines the concept of a world-class university and evaluates alternative quantitative schemes for ranking universities. It is conducted by faculty and students of Teachers College Columbia University.
Internationalization of Research Universities: This project examines internationalization trends in research universities in China and explores alternative policies for promoting internationalization in these universities. It involves the collaboration of faculty and students of Teachers College Columbia University, Sun Yat-Sen University, and PekingUniversity.
Expanding access to college education for female students: This project examines alternatives for expanding access to college education for female students from minority and poor backgrounds, in Yunnan Province. Currently, through the Tsai Yen-Ping Scholarships, the project provides full financial support to such students in two minority counties (Ning-Lang Yi-Minority Autonomous County and Xi-Meng Wa-Minority Autonomous County) in Yunnan to receive undergraduate education at Yunnan Normal University.
Education and Training
Through a variety of education and training activities, the Center on Chinese Education seeks to contribute to the preparation of education leaders who are interested in the development of education in China and in promoting education linkages between the United States and China. Current activities sponsored by the Center on Chinese Education are described briefly in the following.
Seminar for University Leaders from China: This is a seminar on improving the quality and operation of universities. Participants are senior leaders from universities in China. The seminar is jointly organized by the Center on Chinese Education and the National Academy of Education Administration, China.
Seminar for Basic Education Leaders from China: This is a seminar on improving the quality and operation of primary and secondary education. Participants are leaders of primary and secondary education in China. The seminar is jointly organized by the Center on Chinese Education and the Center for Education Development, Chinese Education Society, China.
TC Faculty in China: The Center on Chinese Education provides assistance, whenever possible, to faculty members of Teachers College in their instructional and research activities in China.
Chinese Education at Teachers College: Through involvement in its various activities, the Center on Chinese Education provides faculty and students of Teachers College the opportunity to improve their understanding of Chinese Education.
Seminar for Students from China: Columbia Young Development Program is a seminar on deepening understanding of academic programs, pedagogies, admission requirements, and student developments at Columbia University. Participants are highly qualified students selected from the schools in China. The seminar is jointly organized by the Center on Chinese Education and American International Education & Exchange Center.
Outreach and Exchange
Through a variety of outreach and exchange activities, the Center on Chinese Education seeks to promote the exchange of education ideas and experiences between Chinese and American education researchers and practitioners. The current activities sponsored by the Center on Chinese Education are described briefly in the following.
Seminar on Chinese Education: Knowledgeable scholars and practitioners of Chinese education are invited to speak on Chinese education development and policies periodically. Contact the center for information about a future seminar.
Visiting Scholars from China: University faculty members and other education researchers from China may apply to be Visiting Scholars at Teachers College. Visiting Scholars are expected to finance all the costs of their visit to Teachers College. Interested individuals from China may send an email or letter to the Director of the Center on Chinese Education, along with a resume.
Delegations of Chinese Educators: The Center on Chinese Education hosts delegations of Chinese educators periodically. These delegations are expected to finance all the costs of their visit to Teachers College.
Publications: Six lists of publications are posted on the website of the Center on Chinese Education -- (1) Research on Access to Quality Compulsory Education, (2) Research on Privatization, Choice, and Reform in Basic Education, (3) Research on Higher Education Development, (4) Research on Education and National Development, (5) Presentations in Seminar on Chinese Education, and (6) Presentations and Papers by Visiting Scholars. Most of the publications can be downloaded.
The Seminar on Chinese Education provides an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in Chinese Education to get together to discuss issues and developments in education in China. Each meeting of the seminar consists of a presentation by an invited speaker and a discussion on the presentation.