ReEd Advanced Certificate



Reimagining Education for a Racially Just Society Advanced Certificate Program 

In just 12 months, educators can earn an Advanced Certificate that will prepare them to lead others to  prepare children for a racially and ethnically diverse society. The Advanced Certificate Program coursework  (see diagram below) is explicitly designed for those who aspire to become educational leaders on issues  of equity, diversity, social justice, and inclusion at the classroom, school or district level. This Advanced  Certificate Program prepares educators to become Equity Officers, Diversity and Inclusion Leaders, and  overall change agents in reducing racial disparities within our field. 

Beginning with a 3-credit, in-person graduate course tied to the Reimagining Education Summer Institute that  requires students to be in New York for four days in July, the Advanced Certificate Program is primarily online,  enabling students from across the country and the world to participate. 

 Key Takeaways: 

  •  Explore key concepts and deep-seated issues of race and inequality in our country and our schools.   
  • Learn how to recognize, respond to and counter inequality related to race and cultural orientations  
  • Develop equity pedagogy practices that foster racial and cultural literacies 
  • Be challenged through this program to develop viable solutions to these issues in their schools and  communities.  
  • Become a leader among educators who value the multiple understandings of racially, ethnically, and  culturally diverse learners 

To request disability-related accommodations, please fill out the Accommodations Request Form or contact the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OASID) at, (212) 678-3689, (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.


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