About Us

Why Teachers College?

The collective breadth and depth of  faculty expertise on issues of race  and education at Teachers College,  Columbia University is unsurpassed.  Our team of TC-affiliated faculty  and graduate students from  seven different departments has  constructed an interdisciplinary,  research-based and holistic vision  of professional development that  enables educators to become more  culturally relevant in their practice  and tap into the educational  benefits to racially and ethnically  diverse student populations.

We are both excited and proud  of the ways that our faculty work  collaboratively in leading a national  conversation on these timely issues  by leveraging their research  and expertise. 


Reimagining Education Faculty & Affiliates

Amy Stuart Wells

Ansley T. Erickson

Christopher Emdin

Detra Price-Dennis

Ézekiel Dixon-Roman

Felicia Mensah

Jamila Lyiscott

kassie freeman headshot in front of gray background

Kassie Freeman

Limarys Caraballo

Limarys Caraballo

Mark Anthony Gooden

Okoya Wenimo

Tran Nguyen Templeton

Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz

Reimagining Education Staff

Charlyn Henderson

RESI Associate Director

Tasnim Aziz

Tasnim Aziz

ACP Associate Director

Sophia Vazquez

RESI Associate Coordinator

Katie Harlan Eller

RESI Workshop Coordinator

Tiffany Probasco Francis

RESI Community Dialogue Session Coordinator

Satoria Ray

RESI Policy Day Coordinator

Kazuki Saito

RESI Technology Coordinator

Thomonique Moore

Thomonique Moore

Digital Platforms & Content Specialist

To request disability-related accommodations, please fill out the Accommodations Request Form or contact the Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OASID) at oasid@tc.edu, (212) 678-3689, (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.


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