Mensah, Felicia (fm2140)

Mensah, Felicia M

Professor of Science and Education
Chair - Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology; Science Education Program Director

Office Location:

415B Zankel

Office Hours:

Tuesday 7-7:30 pm; Wednesday 4-6 pm and by appt.

Educational Background

B.S. Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1988)
M.S. Biology & Secondary Education, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University (1992)
Ph.D. Science Education, Florida State University (2003)
Dissertation: Professional Development and Poststructural Analysis: Stories of African American Science Teachers.
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Curriculum Materials in Science, & Visiting Faculty, Michigan State University (2003 - 2005)

Scholarly Interests

Science Teacher Education; Diversity, Equity & Social Justice Education; Urban and Multicultural Education

Doctoral and junior faculty career development (preparing future teacher educators)

Diversity, Equity, and Social justice (science teaching and teacher education)

Identity (positional identity and science teacher identity)

Critical race theory, Teacher education & Intersectionality (Teachers of Color; Teacher educator preparation)

Culturally relevant, Culturally responsive science teaching (Curriculum development, Teacher education)

Qualitative research methods (ethnography, case study, narrative, grounded theory, phenomenology)

STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics curriculum development) 

Selected Publications

Selected Publications-- See CV in the Documents tab for a full list

Riley, A.D., & Mensah, F.M. (2024). “Things your history teacher won't teach you: Science edition”: Black women science teachers as anti‐racist teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(4), 809-840. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21912  

Riley, A.D., & Mensah, F.M. (2022). “My curriculum has no soul!”: A case study of the experiences of black women science teachers working at charter schools. Journal of Science Teacher Education. DOI: 1080/1046560X.2022.2028710

Mensah, M. (2022). Educating Klaren: Neoliberal ideology in teacher education impacting candidate preparation and the teaching of science to Black students. Cultural Studies of Science Education, CADASE Special Issue on African American Students and STEM Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-022-10111-w

Mensah, F.M. (2022). “Now, I see”: Multicultural science curriculum as transformation and social action. The Urban Review, 54, 155-181. DOI: 1007/s11256-021-00602-5

Chen, J.L., & Mensah, F.M. (2022). Toward socially just science teaching through professional development: The science teacher identity development and agency of two elementary teachers of color. Science Education, 106(2), 385-411.

Mensah, F.M. (2021). Preparing teachers for racial literacy and anti-racist teaching. Science Teacher Education, 90(November), 9-15.

Gist, C.D., Bristol, T.J., Mensah, F.M., & Philip, T. M. (2021). Committing to racial justice and equity in teacher preparation (pp. 14-17). Kapan Special Report, Building a More Ethnoracially Diverse Teaching Force: New Directions in Research, Policy, and Practice.

Mensah, F.M. (2021). “Now, I see”: Multicultural science curriculum as transformation and social action. The Urban Review. DOI: 1007/s11256-021-00602-5

Rosa, K., & Mensah, F.M. (2021). Decoloniality in STEM research: (re)framing success. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16, 501-508.

Serpagli, L., & Mensah, F.M. (2021). Keeping up with the digital natives: Using social media in an all-girls’ science classroom. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 121(5), 28-289.

Mensah, F.M. (2021). Culturally relevant and culturally responsive teaching in the elementary science classroom. Guest Editorial. NSTA Science Scope, March/April, 58(4).

Levy, A.R., & Mensah, F.M. (2021). Learning through the experience of water in elementary school science. Water, 13(43), 1-31.

Watkins, S.E., & Mensah, F.M. (2019). Peer support and STEM success for one African American female engineer. Journal of Negro Education, 88(2), 181-193. DOI: 10.7709/jnegroeducation.88.2.0181

Mensah, F.M. (2019). Finding voice and passion: Critical race theory methodology in science teacher education. American Educational Research Journal, 56(4), 1412-1456. DOI: 10.3102/0002831218818093

Chen, J., & Mensah, F.M. (2018). Teaching contexts that influence elementary preservice teachers’ teacher and science teacher identity development. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(5), 420-439. DOI: 1080/1046560X.2018.1469187  

Mensah, F.M., Brown, J., Titu, P., Rozowa, P., Sivaraj, R., & Heydari. R. (2018). Preservice and inservice teachers’ ideas of multiculturalism: Explorations across two science methods courses in two different contexts. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(2), 128-147. DOI: 1046560X.2018.1425820

Mensah, F. M., & Jackson, I. (2018). Whiteness as property in science teacher education. Teachers College Record, 120(1), 1-38. ID Number: 21958.

Ashby, P., & Mensah, F. M. (2018). Ashby, P., & Mensah, F. M. (2018). Critical chemistry education in a private, suburban high school.  Research in Science Education, 1-30. DOI: 10.1007/s11165-018-9690-2

Underwood, J.B., & Mensah, F.M. (2018). An investigation of science teacher educators’ perceptions of culturally relevant pedagogy. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 28(1), 46-64.

Taher, T., Mensah, F.M., & Emdin, C. (2017). Exploring the impact of reality pedagogy: Understanding its implementation on urban immigrant students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(11), 1853-1862. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2017.051101 

Rosa, K., & Mensah, F.M. (2016). Educational pathways of Black women physicists: Stories of life.  Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 020113-15.


American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Association of Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Sisters of the Academy Institute (SOTA)

Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA)

Brief Bio Professor Mensah has worked collaboratively and independently in developing as a scholar in the areas of science teacher education and teacher professional development. Professor Mensah received her doctorate in Science Education at The Florida State University (May 2003). Using a feminist poststructuralist analysis of power, language, difference, and knowledge construction, her dissertation focused on three African American secondary school teachers' experiences in professional development, teaching, and learning science. As a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Curriculum Materials in Science at Michigan State University (June 2003-July 2005), Professor Mensah focused on developing science curriculum materials that addressed issues of diversity in planning, assessing, and teaching science for understanding. Since receiving her doctoral degree, Professor Mensah has published extensively in the area of science teacher education. Her research interests are in diversity and social justice education with an emphasis on improving science experiences and for PreK-16 teachers and students in urban classrooms. She uses culturally relevant/responsive pedagogy in the preparation of science teachers, and also in teacher development, assessment and curriculum. This approach allows students who are traditionally marginalized in science learning, and their teachers in many instances, to view science as accessible, fun, and empowering. She conducts professional development workshops and institutes with elementary, middle, and high school science teachers as well as provide outreach activities for schools, such as hosting elementary students to attend science courses at the university. She also has an exceptional record in advising and developing early scholars with sponsoring more than 30 doctoral dissertations and serving on many more dissertation committees. Professor Mensah has received a number of awards, honors and acknowledgements, such as the Early Career Award, Division K, from the American Educational Research Association (2012), the Race, Culture, and Diversity Research Grant from Teachers College, and four Provost Investment Grants to support her research. She is currently serving as a lead editor of the Cultural Studies of Science Education journal, and will be an incoming associate editor of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching (2015-2020), the premier journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Professor Mensah also served three years as an executive board member of this association (2011-2014).
1. Creating Resources Uplifting Nutrition, Culture, and Health at Lunch (CRUNCH Lunch). NIH Science Education Partnership Award. -- Creating nutrition resources and teacher professional development workshops for NYC elementary schools in connecting nutrition and STEM education

2. Teachers of Color Graduates of TC Teacher Education Programs. -- Examining the preparation of teachers of Color across various TE programs

3. Critical Voices in Teacher Education. -- Examining the learning of doctoral students as future teacher educators in their development of racial literacy in teacher education from their engagement in a course on race/racism in teacher education

4. Geeks Rule Foundation. Development of Biology Club Afterschool Curriculum for Grades 6-8. -- Creating curriculum and resources for enhancing science teaching and learning using multicultural and culturally relevant frameworks for biology education

See CV for full list

Daniel A. Yaverbaum (PhD, Spring 2024), Transforming reference frames: How mental models for velocity evolved through a physics curriculum framed by the principal of relativity

Alexander Brosseau (EdD, Interdisciplinary, Spring 2024), A pedagogy of absence

John Lee (PhD, Spring 2024), Developing cultural competence: Exploring students’ understanding of cultural competence in an entry-level physical therapy program

Jessica Fagan Weedon (PhD, Fall 2023), An exploratory research study: Investigating the experiences of high school physical science teachers in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

Daria Vasilyeva (PhD, Fall 2023), Clinical teacher identity as told by early mid-career clinical dental instructors

Leana Peltier (PhD, Spring 2023), “I found a science family!” Elementary teachers’ structure and agency in vertical science professional learning community moving beyond silos

Andrea Horowitz (EdD, Spring 2023), Teaching during the triple pandemic: It’s so deeply personal

Allison Bookbinder (PhD, Spring 2022), Teacher leadership and science instructional practice: Teaching elementary science in a time of crisis

Cole Entress (PhD, Spring 2022), You can’t do everything: In search of better, more equitable secondary science methods courses

Alexis Riley (PhD, Fall 2021), From whence we came: Womanist pedagogy and anti-racist teaching as discussed by Black women science teachers [Assistant Professor, New York University; Assistant Professor, California State Los Angeles]

Julia Sable (PhD, Science Education, Fall 2021), The frontiers of science: A case study for understanding multi-disciplinary inquiry-based college science

Jacqueline Horgan (PhD, Spring 2021), “I’m ready for scientificial duty”: Young museum program alumnus’ orientations towards science

Colette Cecile Young (EdD, Fall 2020), Exploring the foundations of creating, implementing, evaluating, and revising science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM) curricula in the classroom [Assistant Director, Summer Principals Academy, NYC]

Samir Biswas (PhD, Spring 2020), Exploration of differences in the beliefs and attitudes of biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics teachers on multiculturalism in secondary science classrooms

Ava Javid (EdD, Spring 2020), Beginning science teachers’ agency: An exploratory study of choice and the role of technology for continued learning

Megan Dansby Russell (EdD, Spring 2020), Understanding the academic help-seeking strategies and experiences of black first-generation engineering undergrads [Inaugural Dean of DEI, Brown University]

Kristen Larson (EdD, Spring 2020), Forming science teacher identity: The role that identity plays in designing learning goals and classroom-based formative assessments [Postdoctoral Fellow, Mercy College]

Jite Lark (EdD, Spring 2020), Culturally relevant teaching and multicultural education in pre-service teachers STEM courses and in-service teachers advanced placement STEM courses

Erika Gillette (EdD, Spring 2020), The teaching of science to refugees in Greece: A multi-site case study of volunteer educators in non-formal education setting

Roya Heydari (PhD, Spring 2020), The impacts of informal science education on students’ science identity and understanding of science inquiry [Associate Director of Faculty Assessment, Columbia University]

SeeCV for full list

2024        AERA Scholars of Color in Education Distinguished Career Contribution Award (competitive): This annual award scholars in various stages in their careers who have contributed significantly to the understanding of issues that disproportionately affect minority populations, and minority scholars who have made a significant contribution to education research and development.

2024        Association of Science Teacher Education, Outstanding Mentor Recipient, Award II (nominated by mid-level colleagues in the field, competitive): This annual award recognizes the valuable contributions of mentors to the profession of science teacher education.

2023        Visiting Scholar Lecture. Monash University, Australia

2023        Marquis Who’s Who in America

2022        Teaching Innovations Award, The Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University. (University guide featuring exemplary faculty innovations in teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic)

2021-22 Pedagogical Innovation Fellows Program, Digital Futures Institute, Teachers College

2021        Official Pulitzer Center Champion, The 1619 Project

2021        Institute for Teachers of Color Committed to Racial Justice, ITOC Teacher Educator Fellow

2020        A Vision for the Next Phase of JRST, Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Most frequently downloaded paper of 2019

2017        Mentor Award Nominee, SACNAS - Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (nominated by former student, competitive)

2017         Paul Anderson Award for Exceptional Effort, Text and Academic Authors Association (Presented by Organization’s Council)

2017        Outstanding Science Teacher Educator of the Year Award Recipient, Association of Science Teacher Education, Award 1, Level 2 (>10 years) (nominated by senior colleague in the field (competitive): This award is given annually to the person who most significantly impacted science teacher education nationally. 

2016          A Seat at the Table Award, Black Student Movement (BSN), Annual Black History Gala, Teachers College, Columbia University (Executive Board nomination)

2013        Office of Student Organizations Faculty Award, Advisor to the Black Student Network (BSN), Teachers College, Columbia University (Staff nomination)

2012        Early Career Award, American Educational Research Association, Division K, Teaching and Teacher Education (nominated by senior scholars in field of science education) (competitive)

Conference Presentations & Proceedings (*) Peer Reviewed; (^)Former/Present Student Collaborator


1.      *Mensah, F.M. (2014, July). Innovations in teaching and learning: Using simulations in science teacher education. TAA Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.


2.      *Mensah, F.M. (2014, April). "How do I see myself?": Using critical race theory to uncover science teacher identity. NARST Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.


3.      *^Benedis-Grab, G., & Mensah, F.M. (2014, April). Developing self-efficacy through the use of cloud-based collaboration in an elementary science methods course. NARST Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.


4.      *^Taher, T., Mensah, F.M., Emdin, C. (2014, April). Exploring the impact of reality pedagogy: Understanding its implementation on urban immigrant students. NARST Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA.


5.      *^M. J. Castaldi, J. Epstein, J. Brauner, F. Mensah, C. Emdin, & P. Redden. (2014, April). Enhancing the undergraduate research experience at a small liberal arts chemistry department. American Chemical Society Annual Conference. Dallas, TX.


6.      *Mensah, F.M., ^Jackson, I., ^Macaluso, S., ^Mahfood, D., ^Ronan, D., & ^Simpson, R.  (2014, January). Implementation of edTPATM as a community of practice. ASTE Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX.


7.      *^Daftedar, R., & Mensah, F.M. (2014, January). The globalization of science education: A case study of teacher identity dissonance. ASTE Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX.


8.      *^Robbins, G., & Mensah, F.M. (2014, January). "Mees, I no understand": Using inquiry in a science classroom of diverse cultures, languages, and English proficiencies. ASTE Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX.


9.      *^Gomes, C., & Mensah, F.M. (2013, July). The impact of technology on students with disabilities achieving scientific literacy. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spain.


10.  *Meier, E.B., Horton, D.M., Mensah, F.M., & Sanchez, R. (2013, April). A model for engaging urban teachers in designing STEM projects in classroom environments. AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.


11.  *Mensah, F.M. (2013, January). Pre-post comments of teacher and science teacher identities from elementary preservice teachers of color. ASTE Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC.


12.  *^Benedis-Grab, G., & Mensah, F.M. (2013, January). Using cloud-based collaboration in an elementary science methods course. ASTE Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC.


13.  *^Corvo, A.F., & Mensah, F.M. (2013, January). Utilizing the National Research Council's (NRC) conceptual framework for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): A self-study in my science, engineering, and mathematics classroom. ASTE Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC.


14.  *^Lyman, A., & Mensah, F. M. (2013, January). Standards-based construction of 9-12 science curricula: A case study approach. ASTE Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC.


15.  *^Ronan, D., & Mensah, F.M. (2013, January). Science-teaching identity and motivation:  Ethnography of an urban elementary school implementing a science specialist model in a high stakes testing environment. ASTE Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC.


16.  *Mensah, F. M., & ^Jackson, I. (May, 2012). (Re)visions of science and science teaching: Students of color transforming their ideas of teaching science in urban schools. Critical Race Studies in Education Association Conference, New York, NY.


17.  *^Berg, A., & Mensah, F.M. (April, 2012). De-marginalizing science in the early elementary classroom: Supporting teachers to teach science in reform-oriented ways. AERA Annual Conference, Vancouver Canada.


18.  *Mensah, F. M., & ^Jackson, I. (March, 2012). (Re)visions of science and science teaching: Students of color transforming their ideas of teaching science in urban schools. Poster presentation. NARST Annual International Conference, Indianapolis, IN.


19.  *^Gomes, C., & Mensah, F.M. (January, 2012). Science education and the use of assistive technology for students with learning differences. ASTE Annual International Conference, Clearwater, FL.


20.  *Marrero, M., Riccio, J., ^Dashoush, N., & Mensah, F.M. (January, 2012). STEM professional development in an online fellowship program: Impacts on teacher beliefs and practices. Themed-paper set. ASTE Annual International Conference, Clearwater, FL.


21.  *Mensah, F.M., & Lang, L. (January, 2012). Inservice teachers learning inquiry and teaching preservice teachers about inquiry. ASTE Annual International Conference, Clearwater, FL.


22.  Bertrand Jones, T., Mensah, F.M., & Rich-Rice, K. (June, 2011). Soaring to new heights: Sisters of the Academy Institute writing programs. TAA Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.


23.  *Mensah, F.M., & O'Neill, T. (April, 2011). Who has control over the science curriculum? NARST Annual International Conference, Orlando, FL.


24.  *^Rosa, K., & Mensah, F.M. (April, 2011). Science teachers' views on cultural diversity: Contributions from anthropology. NARST Annual International Conference, Orlando, FL.


25.  *^Gunning, A., & Mensah, F.M. (January, 2011). Microteaching: The value of mastery experience in a science methods course. ASTE Annual International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.


26.  *Mensah, F.M., & O'Neill, T. (January, 2011). In partnership for diversity goals: Developing elementary teachers of science.  ASTE Annual International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.


27.  *Mensah, F.M. (March, 2010). Using observation prompts in the elementary field placement as a means to inform practice. NARST Annual International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


28.  *Mensah, F.M. (January, 2010). "Making progress and figuring things out": Engaging elementary preservice teachers in inquiry learning. ASTE Annual International Conference, Denver, CO.


29.  *Moore Mensah, F. (May, 2009). Student presentations on science education. Paper presented at the Annual Sharing Our Success in Urban Science and Math Teaching Conference, New York University, New York, NY.


30.  *^Brotman, J.S., & Moore Mensah, F.M. (April, 2009). Exploring identities to deepen understanding of urban high school students' decision-making about HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference, Orange County, CA.


31.  *^Mallya, A., & Moore Mensah, F.M. (April, 2009).  A case of critical science agency: Urban youth use C3 science to navigate their food and activity environments. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference, Orange County, CA.


32.  *^Marrero, M., & Moore Mensah, F.M. (April, 2009). Socioscientific decision making and the ocean: A case study of 7th grade life science students. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference, Orange County, CA.


33.  *Moore Mensah, F., Catlin, J., O'Neill, T., & Johnson, V. (January, 2009). Initiating school-university science partnerships for the preparation of elementary teachers in an urban middle school. Interactive Paper-Poster presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. Hartford, CT.


34.  *^Gunning, A., & Moore Mensah, F. (January, 2009). One preservice elementary teacher's development of self-efficacy and confidence to teach science: A case study. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. Hartford, CT.


35.  *^Cooke, N. & Moore Mensah, F. (January, 2009). The emergent teacher voice: Identity development of preservice elementary teachers. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. Hartford, CT.


36.  *^Benedis-Grab, G., & Moore Mensah, F. (January, 2009). A collaborative model for elementary science. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual Conference. Hartford, CT.


37.  *Moore, F.M. (March, 2008). Using multicultural curricular frameworks in elementary science lesson plans. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. Baltimore, MD. 


38.  *Moore, F.M. (2008, March). A pedagogy of multiple theoretical perspectives: Building a foundation to stand on: Using course readings in an elementary science methods course. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. Baltimore, MD. 


39.  *Moore, F.M. (March, 2008). Planning and teaching in culturally responsive ways: Elementary preservice teachers' integration of multicultural themes and goals in science curriculum. Paper presented at the AERA Annual International Conference. New York, NY.


40.  *Moore, F.M. (January, 2008). Science in the city photo albums: Connecting science content standards using digital photography. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. St. Louis, MO.


41.  Moore, F.M. (July, 2007). Planning and teaching in culturally responsive ways: Elementary preservice teachers' integration of multicultural themes and goals in science lessons. Paper presented at the CCMS Summer Knowledge Sharing Institute. Washington, DC.


42.  *^Catlin, J.N., & Moore, F.M. (April, 2007). RESPECT: What urban middle school science students really want. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. New Orleans, LA.


43.  *Moore, F.M., George, M.A. (April, 2007). Science teacher education about diversity: Using multiple theoretical perspectives. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. New Orleans, LA.


44.  *^Catlin, J.N., & Moore, F.M.  (January, 2007). I want to, because I can!  Urban middle school students' quest for knowledge in an after school science program. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. Clearwater, FL.


45.  *Moore, F.M. (January, 2007). Presentation of dialogue: Preservice elementary teachers' views of their science teacher identity. Paper presented at the ASTE Annual International Conference. Clearwater, FL.


46.  *Moore, F.M. (October, 2006). Drawings of the ideal elementary science teacher. Paper presented at the SASTE Annual International Conference. Mercer University, Macon, GA.


47.  *Moore, F. (September, 2006). Mapping the diversity and social justice landscape. Paper presented at the Science Education at the Crossroads Conference. Ogden, UT. On-line proceedings,


48.  *Moore, F.M., & ^Mallya, A. (July, 2006). Diversity and social justice in curriculum materials: Student agency and teacher learning. Presentation presented at the CCMS Knowledge Sharing Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.


49.  *Moore, F.  (April, 2006).  Identity, agency, and preservice teachers' construction of both in becoming agents of change. Paper presented at the NARST Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.


50.  *Moore, F.  (April, 2006).  Using book clubs to introduce elementary preservice teachers to issues of diversity in science teaching and learning. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. San Francisco, CA.


51.  *Moore, F. (September, 2005). Is this just too diverse to handle? Paper presented at the Science Education at the Crossroads Conference. Storrs, CT. On-line proceedings,


52.  Moore, F.M.  (July, 2005).  Beliefs & attitudes of elementary pre-service teacher education students toward diversity in science teaching & learning. PowerPoint presentation presented at the CCMS Summer Knowledge Sharing Institute. East Lansing, MI.


53.  Moore, F.M.  (July, 2005).  A curriculum design project for preservice elementary teachers: Using the Project 2061 criteria for curriculum development. Paper presented at the CCMS Summer Knowledge Sharing Institute. East Lansing, MI.


54.  *Moore, F.M. (April, 2005). The advantages of a postdoctoral study: Negotiating your position.  Paper presented at the AERA Annual International Conference. Montreal, Canada.


55.  *Moore, F., Sowell, S., Letts, W., & Brandt, C. (April, 2005). Poststructuralist possibilities: Using feminist poststructuralist theories for making sense in science education research. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. Dallas, TX.


56.  *Moore, F.M. (April, 2004). Stories, experiences and lessons: Relations of power in science teaching, leaning, and professional development. Paper presented at the NARST Annual International Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.

57.  Moore, F.M. (February, 2004). Projects & activities. Post-doctoral fellow poster presentation at the National Science Foundation Centers for Learning and Teaching Principal Investigators Conference. Washington, DC.


58.  *^Paterna, R.L., & Moore, F.M. (October, 2004). Preservice teachers' familiarity and use of technology in science teaching.  SAETS Annual International Conference, Gainesville, FL.


59.  *Moore, F. (January, 2004). "Teaching is more . than I first imagined": A preservice teacher's experiences in the field. Paper presented at the AETS Annual International Conference. Nashville, TN.   


60.  *Settlage, J., Southerland, S.A., Moore, F., Schadman, A.  (January, 2003). The rise (and fall) of teacher efficacy: The role of the methods course and classroom context. Paper presented at the AETS Annual International Conference, St. Louis, MO.


61.  *Moore, F.M. (October, 2002). Ways of knowing in the context of home, school, and teaching: Implications for science teaching. Paper presented at the SAETS Annual International Conference, Kennesaw, GA.


62.  *Moore, F. (January, 2002). On the other side of the tracks.  Paper presented at the AETS Annual International Conference, Charlotte, NC.


63.  *Hancock, E., Moore, F., & Sowell, S. (October, 2001). Practicing teacher's reflections about completing a portfolio for a distance learning graduate program.  Paper presented at the SAETS Annual International Conference, Tampa, FL.


64.  *Moore, F.M. (April, 2001). Re-designing curriculum that covers students' personal interests, attitudes, and multiple inabilities.  Proceedings of the 41st International World Education Fellowship Conference. Sun City, South Africa.


65.  Moore, F.M. (March, 2001).  Science laboratories that meet students' multiple abilities.  Linkages 2001 Symposium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.  


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