

Professor James Westaby
Ph.D., Founder and Director, Dynamic Network Lab, TC, Columbia Univ., www.DynamicNetworkLab.Org, Professor, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology, Department of Organization and Leadership, TC, Columbia Univ. Creator: Behavioral reasoning theory (accounting for psychological "reasons") and dynamic network theory (accounting for "goals" in social networks - with "network goal analysis" being the methodological tool to visualize such dynamics).
Adam Parr
M.A., Dynamic Network Lab Associate, Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology, Lab's R programming specialist. TC, Columbia Univ. Lab website credits: R programming network visuals.
Nick Rosemarino
Dynamic Network Lab Assistant; Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology. TC, Columbia Univ. Personality, Dynamic Network, and Decision Making specialization.
Elisabeth Mah
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology. TC, Columbia Univ. Group decision making specialization using behavioral reasoning theory and dynamic network theory.
Gian Zlupko
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology. TC, Columbia Univ. R program contributor, Specialization using AI of semantic analysis of reasoning and decision topics in BRT and DNT R coding.

Other Project Collaborators (alphabetical order)

Charles Basch
Professor Charles Basch
Richard March Hoe Professor of Health and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University
Professor Peter Coleman
Ph.D., Professor, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology, Director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution; Director of the Institute for Psychological Science and Practice (IPSP) at Teachers College, Executive Director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) at The Earth Institute at Columbia University.

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Aimee Lace
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology, TC, Columbia. Univ.
John Park
Ph.D., Academic Technology Specialist, TC, Columbia Univ.
Professor Tahira Probst
Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Washington State University Vancouver
Professor Marcello Russo
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior. University of Bologna Business School. Director of Global MBA. Italy.
Srishti Sardana
M.Sc., M.A. Clinical Psychology Doctoral Scholar & Lab Co-Manager | Global Mental Health Lab, TC, Columbia University.
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Katherine Strong Moore
Doctoral Student, Cognitive Science in Education, TC, Columbia Univ.
Professor Helen Verdeli
Ph.D. Director, Global Mental Health Lab, Director of Clinical Training, Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, TC, Columbia Univ.
Eccho Yu
Ph.D. Candidate, Program in Social-Organizational Psychology. TC, Columbia, Univ. Lab website credits: Kumu network visualizations of online communities.

Note: Other researchers, graduate students, or alumni may be working with us on various pending projects that are early in development. Once sufficiently executed, their contributions would be seen in other sections of the website, such as the publications page.  


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