
Call for Papers

The 12th annual meeting of

The Language and Social Interaction Working Group (LANSI)

Teachers College, Columbia University

New York City

October 18-19 (Fri & Sat), 2024



Mary Bucholtz & Erika Prado, University of California, Santa Barbara

Phillip Glenn, Emerson College



LANSI brings together scholars and students working on naturally-occurring data within the broad area of language and social interaction. In keeping with the LANSI spirit of diversity and dialog, we welcome abstracts from colleagues working on a variety of topics using discourse analytic approaches that include but are not limited to conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and critical discourse analysis. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should include descriptions of the following aspects of the study: (1) research question; (2) data and method; (3) key finding with a short illustrative data segment. Please also include a 50-word summary.


Abstracts will be blind-reviewed on the basis of clarity, specificity, originality, and the inclusion of the required components. Papers will be presented within a 10-minute slot with an additional 10 minutes for discussion.


Deadline for electronic submission is June 15, 2024. Notification of acceptance or otherwise will be sent via email by mid July, 2024. For additional information and to submit an abstract, please visit:

Questions can be sent to:

Conference Co-chairs: Hansun Zhang Waring, Allie King, Lauren Carpenter, Kelly Frantz

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