Completed Studies

Dance for Stroke Scoping Review

Cognitive Interference Patterns of Gait Initiation in HD

Neurophysiologic Responses of Gait Initiation in HD

Heart Rate Variability in HD

Dance for PD Datavyu Project

Microsoft Emma Watch

Evaluation of novel dual-task upper extremity assessment

iWEAR: Integrating wearable technologies to quantify meaningful activity in Huntington Disease

Dancers Realize Excellence through Arts and Movement (DREAM)

Idea to Goals

Assessment of Interlimb Coordination in Children and Adults with Hemiplegia

Feasibility of Utilizing Microsoft HoloLens by People with Parkinson’s Disease

Reduction of Gait Asymmetry Using the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD) in Individuals Chronically Post-Stroke

ALS Functional Biomarkers Predict Time to Initiate Wheelchair Process

Engage-Cerebral Palsy (CP)

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