Raising Educational Achievement of Harlem (REACH)

Inspire, Reimagine, Illuminate

Raising Educational Achievement of Harlem’s (REACH) mission is to

improve students' academic, social-emotional, and wellness outcomes.

Students sorting books in a classroom


In 2011, TC launched the Raising Educational Achievement Coalition of Harlem (REACH). REACH aims to improve students' educational outcomes in a group of high-need PreK-12 schools in Harlem. It seeks to demonstrate how universities can effectively and strategically partner with public schools in sustainable and cost-effective ways to help address the needs of children and families in distressed communities.

Teachers College Sign on the corner of W120th and Broadway

Who We Are

  • TC launched REACH in 2011
  • University-assisted community school model in keeping with its longstanding commitment to working to mitigate the impact of poverty and improve the academic achievements of youth in the communities near its campus

What We Do

  • Work closely with principals, teachers, and families to support students
  • Serve over 800 students in three schools in Harlem
    • PS.36 The Margaret Douglas School
    • PS.154 The Harriet Tubman Learning
    • Fredrick Douglas Academy II
Group photo of students from P. S. 36

Our Legacy

  • REACH builds on over 100 years of meaningful community engagement
  • TC’s 1902 establishment of the Speyer School, was one of the first schools to adopt a community school approach providing support for community youth and families’ learning, physical health, and social-emotional well-being.
REACH Logo: Coherence, Intentionality, Sustainability
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