About Us

About Us

Kids showing off their books in the hallway of a school


Our partner schools have access to extensive culturally responsive and differentiated academic interventions, mentoring, integrated and wellness supports, expanded learning opportunities, and family engagement experiences that foster creativity and connect to their community.


Reimagining Educational Achievement of Harlem’s (REACH) mission is to improve students' academic, social-emotional, and wellness outcomes by designing and implementing coherent, intentional, and sustainable community school model in our partner schools.

  REACH Goals

Goal 1: Increase student achievement through improved instruction and targeted expanded learning opportunities

Goal 2: Improve attendance and engagement in school and expanded learning programs

Goal 3: Increase the number of students coming to school prepared to learn by increasing family and student access to physical and mental health supports

Goal 4: Increase parent engagement activities to empower parents and encourage partnership for student achievement

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