The 2022 Winter Roundtable Submission Portal is Closed.
- Proposals must be submitted electronically using the Cadmium submission form.
- Proposals for all categories of presentations should consist of an abstract (maximum 400 words).
- Please TYPE OUT proposal abstract information in the fields provided.
- Proposals for Paper Presentations, Roundtables, Symposia, and Workshops that are potentially CE eligible require additional materials including Learning Objectives and Program Assessments.
All abstracts must include:
- A clear outline of the major ideas to be presented. For roundtable discussions, this outline should include information about the general theme, as well as the sub-themes that will serve as topics for discussion (maximum 400 words).
- In the case of an Empiric Study:
- A summary of the research methodology.
- A brief summary of the findings.
- For workshop submissions, you must include both an abstract AND a 50-word maximum description of the workshop, which includes the learning objectives.
- Please note that all poster presentation abstracts submitted should include preliminary or final results of the empirical research study.
Proposals from graduate students, including Masters and Advanced Doctoral students, as well as recent graduates are encouraged.
In addition to this year’s conference theme, other timely topics are welcomed for consideration in the conference program.
If you would like to be considered for CE eligibility, your proposal for a Paper Presentation, Symposia, Workshop, or Roundtable will require Learning Objectives. All of these proposals must include 3-4 learning objectives per hour-long program. These may focus on research, literature, teaching, supervision or clinical practice outcomes for your audience. For instance, a learning objective may be "Participants will be able to define multiculturally competent counseling practice and apply this definition to working with undocumented populations."
For more information on how to write a learning objective, please see requirements and more information below.
- Must clearly state what the learner will know or be capable of doing following the presentation
- Must be observable and measurable
- Must be of sufficient depth for the academic level of the conference
Please see the following link from the APA for a guide on how to write learning objectives: Guidance for Writing Learning Objectives
If you would like to be considered for CE eligibility, your proposal for a Paper Presentation, Symposia, Workshop, or Roundtable will require Program Assessments. All of these proposals require 3-5 program assessments. Program Assessments will evaluate whether your learning objectives have been met in your session. They should be directly based upon the learning objectives of the program.
See the APA Example below:
Rate the statements on a scale of do not agree to strongly agree:
Based on the content of the workshop, I am able to
- Describe at least two theoretical approaches to hypnosis
- Employ at least two hypnotic induction techniques
- Explain how psychological approaches differ when applied to acute vs. chronic pain
Statement of Conflict of Interest:
All proposals require that the instructors notify the Winter Roundtable of any potential monetary or other conflicts of interest. Any program designed for the sole purpose of personal development, marketing, business practices, and maximizing profits for the practice of an instructor will not be considered for the conference.
Addressing Diversity:
All proposals must provide a brief statement describing how your presentation will address diversity. Even if this question is addressed elsewhere in your proposal, please include this explicitly here.
CV and Bibliography:
All presentations require that each presenter provide a CV. All presentations require a bibliography. If submitted as a CE eligible program, CVs have specific requirements and at least 3 references are required in the bibliography.
Hour-long focused panel discussions and/or formal presentations in which participants present views on a common topic or theme. Typically structured with an introduction and background on the topic by the moderator. Participants are then welcomed to present their viewpoints with subsequent exchange among participants and the audience as well as between participants. Symposia do not focus only on one paper, but are intended to collect multiple presenters who will present in-depth knowledge or perspectives potentially based on a collection of papers on a centralized question, issue, or topic of research. No more than four presenters.
- Abstract: In the case of an empirical study, must include a summary of the research methodology and a brief summary of the findings
- May be CE Eligible (requires Learning Objectives and Program Assessments)
Two or three hour programs designed to provide participants with practical experience or applications of theory and research findings and specific direct skills. These will combine theoretical and experiential approaches to support participants in gaining further skills and experience in counseling psychology. These skills will be outlined in learning objectives and evaluated in assessments. Your proposal must include duration as well as a brief description of the workshop for inclusion in the program. Presenters require expertise in the content area of the workshop.
- Abstract
- 50-word maximum description of the workshop
- May be CE Eligible (Requires Learning Objectives and Program Assessments)
Hour-long dialogues about a broad theme of cultural relevance in psychology and education which provide an opportunity for dialogue with the presenters facilitating the discussion and audience. Presenters will typically open the discussion with brief remarks or background and then facilitate discussions. Each theme then consists of branching smaller discussion groups that address various sub-themes pertaining to the general topic. There should be no more than four sub-themes proposed for each general theme. In addition, no more than four people may be involved in facilitating discussions.
- Abstract: Must include information about the general theme, as well as the sub-themes that will serve as topics for discussion
- May be CE Eligible (requires Learning Objectives and Program Assessments)
Opportunities for masters and doctoral students in psychology and education to present their recent research project or scholarship. The hour-long poster session allows for extensive discussion with the author. Posters are presented in summary form on bulletin boards with illustrative content including tables, graphs, and data. A student must be the first author on all poster presentation submissions, and each submission should contain no more than four authors. Not all authors are required to be in attendance.
Thanks to Joseph G. Ponterotto, J. Manuel Casas, Lisa A. Suzuki, and Charlene M. Alexander, the editors of the Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (3rd edition), a student scholarship fund has been established. Student first authors whose poster presentation proposals are accepted will receive complimentary registration to the Winter Roundtable. On posters with multiple authors, the scholarship will be awarded to the first author only.
- Abstract: Must include a summary of the research methodology and brief summary of the preliminary or final results
- Not CE Eligible (Does not require Learning Objectives and Program Assessments)
Hour-long presentations, typically presented by one or a small number of authors regarding ongoing or concluded research investigations or clinical educational practices. These allow an in-depth presentation of material.
- Abstract: In the case of an empirical study, must include a summary of the research methodology and a brief summary of the findings
- May be CE Eligible (requires Learning Objectives and Program Assessments)