Susan Eaton

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Teachers College, Columbia University
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The Suburban Promise of Brown

Susan Eaton

EatonSusan Eaton is co-director of the documentation and organizing project, One She also is research director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School. Her work has appeared in numerous scholarly and popular publications including Harvard Law and Policy Review, The Nation, The New York Times, New American Media, Boston Globe Sunday Magazine and Virginia Quarterly Review. Her most recent book is The Children in Room E4: American Education on Trial. She is currently working on a book about immigrant integration initiatives across the United States.

Speaker Abstract

Creating and Sustaining Diversity in a Changing Nation: Stories from the Field  

Drawn from research conducted through the storytelling and organizing project, One Nation Indivisible, I will explore generally successful, conscious efforts to create, sustain racially, culturally, linguistically and economically diverse schools and address inequalities within three demographically changing settings: Greater Hartford, Connecticut; Heber City & Kamas, Utah and Montgomery County, Maryland. The genesis of each these efforts differ, as do the policy contexts and remaining challenges. I will highlight the lessons learned in each place and the replicable aspects of each of the efforts.