The Center for Sustainable Futures (CSF) at Teachers College envisions a regenerative world in which we achieve a balance between planet, people, and prosperity.
Our mission is to promote learning, awareness, attitudes, and skills to work individually and collectively toward long-term sustainability of complex living systems. CSF supports and conducts original research, engages in research-practice partnerships, mentors and trains graduate students, and uses data to inform evidence-based policy, practice, and communication.
What is the role of schools of education in the face of global environmental challenges? Launched in 2015, the Teachers College Working Group on Environmental and Sustainability Education aims to address this question by bringing together faculty, students, and staff from across the College. We define Environmental and Sustainability Education as an interdisciplinary pedagogical movement that examines the interactions between environmental, social, health, and economic issues that together promote the long-term health of complex living systems.
We launched this website on the occasion of the 47th International Earth Day as an expression of our commitment to enhancing the College engagement with Environmental and Sustainability Education.
Sustainability at Teachers College
TC faculty and students conduct research on different aspects of environmental and sustainability education.
Teachers College offers a wide array of courses on ESE across disciplines and departments.
Our Campus
Teachers College Facilities, Residential & Dining Operations are committed to furthering sustainability in our community and our campus.