Articles and Presentations
We Literally Wrote the Book on Learning in Organizations. We Know a Thing or Two about Business and Leadership!
One of the benefits of our joining our learning community is the strength of our vast resources (people, technology, research). Dating back to 1887 Teachers College, Columbia University was founded in 1887 by the philanthropist Grace Hoadley Doge and philosopher Nicholas Murray Butler to provide a new kind of schooling for the teachers of the poor children in New York City, one that combined a humanitarian concern to help others with a scientific approach to human development. Today Teachers College is a one-of-a-kind graduate institute deeply passionate about helping learners become one-of-a-kind leaders of institutions around the world drawing on a range of disciplines including arts and humanities; bio-behavioral sciences; counseling, clinical, social and organizational psychology; curriculum and teaching; health and behavior; human development; international and trans-cultural; mathematics, science and technology; and organization and leadership.
The Columbia Business School (CBS) was established in 1916 to provide business training and professional preparation. As one of six Ivy League business schools, CBS is known to Wall Street and the seminal work completed in the field of Finance by Professors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd—CBS is affiliated with 13 winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics including current professors Robert Mundell, Josephy Stiglitz and Edmund Phelps.
Our commitment to participating in the co-creation of the next generation of highly effective and professional executive and organizational coaches intends beyond The Columbia Coaching Certification Program. Columbia’s libraries, with 9.5 million volumes, 117,264 current serials, and an extensive collection of electronic resources, manuscripts, books with 25 libraries across the system ranks as one of the top ten academic library systems in the United States. This provides a resource for our faculty to build on what is known to continue to create the new knowledge needed for the 21st century.
- Learning from Experience through the Executive Coaching Competencies
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Rajashi Glosh, PhD, Drexel University
Victoria J. Marsick, PhD, Teachers College, Columbia University
Presented at the 2010 AHRD International Research Conference - Trust and Presence as Executive Coaching Competencies: Reviewing the Literature
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Rajashi Glosh, PhD, Drexel University
Victoria J. Marsick, PhD, Teachers College, Columbia University
Presented at the 2010 AHRD International Research Conference
2011 Cutting-edge Award Winner - Diversity's Impact of Executive Coaching
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Anne Power, Power & Associates - Emotional Competence and Leading Workplace Diversity
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Victoria J. Marsick, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Presented at the 2009 AHRD International Research Conference - Supplier Diversity: A Missing Link
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University
Dr. Bertie M. Greer, Northern Kentucky University
Dr. Chaunda L. Scott, Oakland University
- Measuring Diversity In Organizations Corporate Perspective
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University - Executive and Organizational Coaching
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University - A Leader's Guide to Leveraging Diversity
Dr. Terrence E. Maltbia, Teachers College, Columbia University