
Senate Positions

Below you will find a listing of the positions, their descriptions, and the duration of the term for that position.

The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact the office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities for information about registration (528 West 121st St., Room 166). Services are available only to students who are registered and submit appropriate documentation.

President (2 years)

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Student Senate, preside at Student Senate and Executive Board meetings, be responsible for the prompt and orderly execution of all Senate resolutions, represent the Student Senate at official functions, serve as the official Student Senate spokesperson to the administration and college community, serve on the following committees: Board of Trustees, Long range Financial Planning, and President Inauguration, prepare the agenda for Student Senate meetings, call all Student Senate meetings including the Executive Board and Special Meetings, appoint an Election Committee in consultation with the Executive Board with the Vice President as Chairperson, designate another Senator to preside over the Election Committee if the Vice-President is a candidate for office, appoint Senators in consultation with the Executive Board, to serve on College Committees and hire and supervise the Student Senate clerk.

Vice-President (2 years)

The Vice President shall preside over the Student Senate and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President, represent the Student Senate at official functions, as designated by the President, succeed to the office of Student Senate President in the event a vacancy occurs in that office until the next Executive Board election, chair the Election Committee as designated by the President unless a candidate, oversee all Student Senate standing committees.

Communications Officer (1 year)

The Communication Officer shall maintain communication between the Student Senate and the University Community, update the Student Senate website and post other public correspondence as necessary, supervise the publicity of Student Senate activities, document Student Senate activities.

Parliamentarian (1 year)

The Parliamentarian shall assist in the orderly operation of meetings, clarify the Constitution and Bylaws, oversee all Student Senate ad hoc committees, report to the Student Senate concerning ad hoc committees, coordinate training sessions regarding parliamentary procedure, or the Student Senate.

Treasurer (1 year)

The Treasurer shall be the fiscal officer of the Student Senate, draft a budget in consultation with the Executive Board and Student Senate advisor(s), submits the budget for adopted by the Student Senate and to the advisors for approval after adoption, collect and distribute Student Senate funds as authorized by the Senate or Executive Board, keep complete records of all financial transactions, present financial reports to the Student Senate at each meeting, create budget allocation after officer elections, with the advice of the Student Senate advisor(s) for the following year, complete all financial paperwork relating to Student Senate activity.


University Senator (2 years)

The University Senator shall ascertain student opinion and concerns on academic, institutional, and community issues and engage Student Senators in conversations about potential advocacy action on behalf of students with faculty, staff, administrators, or other stakeholders. They also shall serve on two (2) committees in the Columbia University Senate, one of which is the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), the committee bringing together all university senators across Columbia University colleges.



Residential Services Senator (1 Year) 

The Residential Services Senator shall serve as a member of the Institutional Affairs Committee. They shall also serve as a liaison between the Student Senate and Facilities and Residential Services and the Office of Residential Services. They will collaborate with the Sustainability Chair on at least one (1) organized program and/or event; coordinate an ad hoc committee of college residents to gather information relevant to the residential experience. Finally, the Residential Services Senator will advise the Student Senate on issues and concerns specific to students using Teachers College residential services.

Alumni Senator (1 Year)

The Alumni Senator shall serve as a member of the Student Life Committee, attend to Student Senate business as it pertains to student organizations (e.g. present bills with and on behalf of student organizations seeking grants and funding), attend all Student Organizations and SDA-wide meetings (held monthly). The Alumni Senator will also serve as liaison between the Student Senate and the Office of Student Activities and Programs regarding student organizations. They will also initiate. and maintain relationships with all other student organization leadership.

International Student Senator (1 year)

The International Student Senator shall serve as a member of the Diversity and Community Affairs Committee, serve as a liaison between the Student Senate and the Office of International Services, advise the Student Senate on issues and concerns specific to international students. 

Arts and Humanities Senator 

2 Senators (1 year)

Biobehavioral Sciences

2 Senators (1 year)

Counseling and Clinical Psychology

2 Senators (1 year)

Curriculum and Teaching

2 Senators (1 year)

Education Policy and Social Analysis

2 Senators (1 year)

Health and Behavior Studies

2 Senators (1 year)

Human Development

2 Senators (1 year)

International & Transcultural Studies

2 Senators (1 year)

Math, Science, and Technology

2 Senators (1 year)

Leadership and Organization

2 Senators (1 year)

Director of Senate Operations

Provides strategic support and guidance to the Student Senate Executive Board. They shall organize TC Student Senate events by providing administrative and logistical support. Additionally, the Director of Operations is responsible for the orderly transmission of all Student Senate meeting minutes, legislation, and records. They must also work closely with the Communications Officer to carry out duties pertaining to Senate’s campus-wide correspondence, social media presence, monthly newsletters, and website.


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