Work With Us
Join a dynamic team of education researchers in the Education Leadership Data Analytics team at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City!
We are looking for talented and enthusiastic masters and doctoral graduate students to join the research team. Our research graduate students study a wide range of education data analytic issues, learning and practicing new skills not only in the research areas of data mining, statistics, visualization, survey research, and qualitative research, but students in the group also work regularly in dynamic and exciting partnerships with teachers and school leaders, helping school practitioners address important problems in education, especially for historically underserved communities, both in the U.S. as well as globally. Graduates from the research group have gone on to specialize in careers in research and education as school leaders, researchers, and professors.

Current students interested in joining the ELDA community should contact Dr. Alex J. Bowers via email at
If you are a prospective student interested in applying to the Programs in Education Leadership check out our website.