Game Courses at TC
This course provides students with the tools needed to understand, analyze and build games. A primary focus is made on the basic language of games: game play and game design. Students will explore the understanding of rules, interactivity, play, social interaction, and other factors which go into the making of an innovative and fun game. Nascent trends in games will also be explored, especially in terms of their opportunities for education.
This course explores how one can utilize the mobile phone for learning and the factors to consider maximizing mobile learning. Roughly half of the world’s population already has some type of mobile phone, making it the most wide spread technology and most common electronic device in the world (Reuters 2007). Un-tapping this ubiquitous technology creates a wide array of educational possibilities. In this course, you will learn (1) about the different mobile phone technologies; (2) how to design learning activities for mobile phones; (3) pedagogical and theoretical frameworks for mobile learning. The course will provide you with a better understanding of learning strategies that can be used on and via mobile phones.
Explores possibilities of virtual worlds for gaming and education. Through readings and theoretical discussions of identity construction, positioning, and social aspects of virtual and traditional communities, participants explore how virtual environments may support teaching and learning and how virtual communities are affecting people's lives.
XR is becoming more popular as media and is also easier than ever to develop. This programming class utilizes C# and Unity3D to introduce students to the possibilities of VR and AR applications. The goal of this class is to emphasize theory, strategies, and the design of XR applications through programming and development of AR and VR projects in Unity3D. No programming experience is necessary but it is highly recommended.
This seminar-based course features an in-depth exploration of a range of research topics related to games in education, especially tailored for students currently involved in game-based research or those who are interested in pursuing a research project in the area. It provides a forum for students to present, receive feedback, and make progress on their current research. It also permits students with an interest in Serious Games to launch a research project of their own. Experience with game design and programming skills are highly recommended.
This course serves as an intensive workshop for designing and producing educational games, and as a special topics seminar for students interested in the advanced study of games through theory and hands-on practice. Focus is placed on games and play as opportunities for learning -- something which can happen in or out of the classroom. As part of the course, students work in groups to produce a fully playable, finished game, in either digital, non-digital or hybrid form. Students also explore how to find, interpret and use current research on games; analyze the educational success or failure of a variety of existing educational games; and consider new and emerging uses for games.