Images of Practice
Images of Practice
NCREST is developing a web-based collection of images of practice with diverse students in K-12 classrooms in the New York City area. Building on work begun initially at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, NCREST’s multimedia websites provide succinct and engaging ways for teachers, researchers, policymakers, and the wider public to build their understanding of teaching and learning. In conjunction with the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL), NCREST is also exploring how these websites can be used in teacher education and professional development to help new and veteran teachers develop more effective teaching practices. Recent work includes efforts to document the use of controversial topics in social studies, including a unit on freedom of speech.
Products and related websites
Learning from the practice of veteran and novice teachers is a digital exhibition and related overview (pdf) published by the Journal of Teacher Education. It brings together materials from websites documenting the work of a three high school English teacher and a teacher educator who uses web-based representations of teaching in her course on “Methods in Secondary English.”
Making Teaching Public is a digital exhibition that highlights seven websites that document teaching and learning in classrooms in California, Philadelphia and New York City.
Documenting Teaching: An Experimental Seminar is a digital exhibition that shows five websites produced as part of an experimental seminar offered in the department of Curriculum and Teaching at Teachers College in Spring 2005. The websites document teaching in school contexts in the New York City area ranging from a preschool classroom to a twelfth grade social studies class.
Going Public with our Teaching: An Anthology of Practice. Thomas Hatch, Dilruba Ahmed, Ann Lieberman, Deborah Faigenbaum, Melissa Eiler White, and Desiree H. Pointer Mace, Editors. New York: Teachers College Press. 2005. Going Public Companion Website including the book's introduction, the table of contents, links to web sites described in the book, and related links to other online resources.
Into the Classroom : Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Thomas Hatch with Melissa Eiler White, Jason Raley, Kimberlee Austin, Sarah Capitelli & Deborah Faigenbaum. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 2005.