Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

Founded in 1998, the Graduate Student Journal of Psychology (GSJP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal for researchers of all levels in psychology. The GSJP is published by the Counseling and Clinical Department at Teachers College, Columbia University. 

The GSJP is devoted to psychological research and practice. The journal includes original research articles, case studies, theoretical articles, literature reviews, qualitative studies and brief reports in both theoretical and applied areas of psychology, such as adult and child psychopathology, developmental psychopathology, psychotherapy process and outcome, community mental health, multiculturalism and diversity issues, measurement/assessment, ethics, and professional development. Articles on other topics related to psychology are also accepted. The GSJP welcomes both quantitative and qualitative methods with sound methodological quality irrespective of significant findings. The journal also encourages manuscripts written in other languages and will consider their inclusion in the upcoming volumes based on the availability of Peer Reviewers fluent in the respective language.

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