External Faculty Awardees

External Faculty Awardees


Carol Scheffner Hammer was awarded $1,009,775 by the Institute of Education Sciences for the project Accelerating Preschool Children's Language Development with Parents Plus


Doug Mennin was awarded $50,000 by the National Institutes of Health (sub to University of Michigan) for the project “Determining Optimal Vision Care for Emotionally Distressed Patients with Inherited Retinal Diseases.”

Michelle Troche was awarded $297,574 by the National Institutes of Health for the project “Rehabilitation of Airway Protection in Parkinson's Disease: Comparing In-Person and Telehealth Service Delivery Models.”

Michelle Troche was awarded $143,000 by the National Institutes of Health for the project “Rehabilitation of Airway Protection in Parkinson's Disease: Comparing In-Person and Telehealth Service Delivery Models.”

Michelle Troche was awarded $55,131 by the National Institutes of Health (sub to University of Wisconsin-Madison) for the project “(SPHERE) Swallowing Trajectories and DysPHagia Predictors in AlzheimER’s Disease.”

Prerna Arora was awarded $304,080 by the National Institutes of Health (sub to Yale University) for the project “Strategic Treatment Assessment with Youth (STAY): A Measurement-based Care Approach to Promote Treatment Retention Among Racial and Ethnic-minoritized Youth with Depression or Suicide Risk.”

Christine Cha and Angela Spears were awarded $140,256 by the National Institutes of Health for the project “Detecting Suicide Risk in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Machine Learning-based Analysis of Non-verbal Behaviors Exhibited During Suicide Assessments.”

Pam Koch was awarded $1,347,471 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Creating Resources Uplifting Nutrition, Culture, and Health at Lunch (CRUNCH Lunch).

Sonya Troller-Renfree was awarded $746,998 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Longitudinal Investigation of the Relations between Stress, Brain Activity, Neurocognitive Skill, and Socioemotional Functioning during Infancy.

Christine Cha was awarded $440,445 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Prospection in Suicidal Teens: Identifying a Novel and Malleable Cognitive Risk Factor

Kim Noble was awarded $240,623 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life

Kim Noble was awarded $85,500 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Mechanisms of Disparities in Learning Difficulties/Disorder: The Columbia Psychiatry and Public Health Collaborative Learning Disability Innovation Hub

Kim Noble and Cindy Huang were awarded $62,498 by the National Institutes of Health for the project Socioeconomic Disparities in Cognitive and Neural Development in the First 3 Years


Nicholas Limerick and Noel Um-Lo (doctoral candidate) were awarded $21,303 by the National Science Foundation for “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Participatory Civic Engagement and Alternative Schooling for Resettled Defectors.”


Paulo Blikstein was awarded $1,638,715 by the National Science Foundation for the project Integrating Research and Practice: Reimagining Youth Community Science through Make-and-Take Data Sensing Kits

Youmi Suk was awarded $19,000 by the American Educational Research Association(AERA)/National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project A Within-Group Approach to Random Forests for Evaluating Educational Programs in Multilevel Studies

Erica Walker and Lalitha Vasudevan were awarded $1,300,000 by the National Science Foundation for the project Racial Equity: Multimodal Storytelling for Mathematics Learning and Engagement


Other Government Funders


            Chris Emdin was awarded $500,000 by the Government of Barbados for the project “The Barbados Education Partnership.”


Prerna Arora and Mel Collier-Meek were awarded $4,912,096 by the US Department of Education for the project “The Culturally-Informed, Trauma-Sensitive Practices for Youth (CITY) Program.”


Jim Purpura was awarded $300,000 by the U.S. Department of State for the project Strengthening English Language Programming for ESP Educators in Algeria

Portia Williams was awarded $145,099 by the US Department of State (sub to University of KwaZulu-Natal) for the project U.S. Mission to South Africa. Public Affairs Section Call for Proposals that strengthen ties between the US and South Africa


Celia Oyler was awarded $597,095 by the US Senate for the project “Teaching Residency Personnel.”


Susan Bickerstaff was awarded $100,000 by the US Department of Energy (sub to The National Renewable Energy        Laboratory) for the project “Understanding and Amplifying the Role of Community Colleges in the Building Decarbonization Transition.”


Nicole Edgecombe was awarded $1,524,900 by the Department of Labor (sub to Mathematica Inc.) for the project “Strengthening Community Colleges Grants Program Evaluation.”



Douglas Ready was awarded $772,944 by the US Department of Education for the project CommonLit 360: Expanding Access to a Content-Rich Digital English Language Arts Program to Accelerate Learning Among Underserved Students



Health Resources & Services Administration 

Ann Marie Mauro was awarded $66,544 by the the Health Resources & Services Administration for the Nurse Faculty Loan Program



Amra Sabic-El-Rayess was awarded $748,494 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the project Preventing Radicalization and Targeted Violence through Peer-to-Peer Student Training



Jim Purpura was awarded $300,000 by the U.S. Department of State for the project Strengthening English Language Programming for ESP Educators in Algeria

Portia Williams was awarded $145,099 by the US Department of State (sub to University of KwaZulu-Natal) for the project U.S. Mission to South Africa. Public Affairs Section Call for Proposals that strengthen ties between the US and South Africa

City and State Funding Agencies


Limarys Caraballo, Regina Cortina, and Ezekiel Dixon-Román were awarded $500,000 by the NY City Council for the project “Latine Studies Curriculum.”

Sonya Douglass was awarded $750,000 by the NY City Council for the project “NYC Black History Curriculum & Professional Development Project IV.”

Mott Community College

Elisabeth Barnett was awarded $29,997 by the Mott Community College for the project Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA)


New York City Health & Hospitals 

Helen Verdeli was awarded $15,000 by New York City Health & Hospitals for the project IPT Didactic Training for NYC HHS for Year 2023

Equity By Design

Ezekiel Dixon-Roman was awarded $35,000 by Equity By Design for the Edmund W. Gordon Intellective and Logistical Support


Humanities of New York

Ansley Erickson was awarded $10,000 by the Humanities of New York for the project New York City Civil Rights History Project - A Community Workshop


Hauser & Wirth Institute

Davinia Gregory-Kameka was awarded $77,000 by Hauser & Wirth Institute for the Race and the Arts Projects



Terry Maltbia was awarded $12,000 by Inspire3Leadership for the Inspire3Leadership project.


Morningside Area Alliance

Ansley Erickson was awarded $3,000 by the Morningside Area Alliance for the project Wadleigh at 120: Past, Present, Future


Vida Plena

Helen Verdeli was awarded $33,810 by the Vida Plena for the project Building Capacity for IPT in Ecuador

External Faculty Awards from Foundations and other Funders

United Nations

Caryn Block was awarded $5,000 by the United Nations for the project UN Stereotype Threat Talk



College Futures Foundation

Liz Willen was awarded $125,000 by the College Futures Foundation for the project “College Futures: Higher Ed in California.”


Maher Charitable Foundation

Beth Rubin was awarded $29,728 by the Maher Charitable Foundation for the project “The Civically Engaged Districts Project.”


Richard Lounsbery Foundation

Thomas James was awarded $210,000 by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation for the project “1776: Seedtime of American Education.”


Robin Hood Foundation

Michael Rebell was awarded $633,000 by the Robin Hood Foundation for the project “New York School Finance Adequacy Study.”


Schott Foundation

Michael Rebell was awarded $15,000 by the Schott Foundation for the project “New York School Finance Adequacy Study.”


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Davis Jenkins was awarded $3,740,000 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the project “Guidance, Tools & Field Education for Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways.”

Douglas Ready was awarded $1,367,384 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the project “District Partnership Formative Evaluation in NY.”


The Carnegie Corporation of NY

Liz Willen was awarded $446,917 by the Carnegie Corporation of NY for the project “Carnegie X GOS.”


The Kresge Foundation

Liz Willen was awarded $250,000 by the Kresge Foundation for the project “Kresge II: Translations and Higher Ed.”


The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

Sonali Rajan was awarded $40,000 by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation for the project “2024 National Research Conference on Firearm Injury Prevention.”


The Spencer Foundation

Jonathan Collins was awarded $19,350 by the Spencer Foundation for the project “Community Decides: Empowering Minoritized Communities to Facilitate School Improvement.”


The Laura and John Arnold Foundation

Sonali Rajan was awarded $47,150 by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation for the project “2024 National Research Conference on Firearm Injury Prevention.”


The Leon Levy Foundation

Ruth Vinz and Roberta Kang were awarded $60,000 by the Leon Levy Foundation for the project “Leon Levy Fdn.”


Take a Stand for Kids Foundation

Ruth Vinz and Roberta Kang were awarded $57,878 by the Take a Stand for Kids Foundation for the project “Take a Stand for Kids (TASK).”



Ascendium Education Group

Tom Brock was awarded $7,000,000 by the Ascendium Education Group for the project Expanding and Sharing the Evidence Base of Key Student Success Reforms.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Nicole Edgecombe was awarded $1,140,000 by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the project Developmental Education Reform Equity Incubator.


Charina Endowment Fund Center

Luis Huerta was awarded a $10,000 by the Charina Endowment Fund Center for the Public Research and Leadership Scholar Award.


Crimsonbridge Foundation

Thomas Brock was awarded $100,000 by the Crimsonbridge Foundation for the project Enhancing Research and Dissemination on First-Generation College Students & Symposium on the Community College Role in Addressing Climate Change.



Terrence Maltbia was awarded $80,000 by Equitable for the project Hybrid and NY Learning Module Development and Preparation.


Hearthland Foundation

Peter Coleman was awarded $175,000 by the Hearthland Foundation for the project Poetry and Conflict Outreach.


Heising-Simons Foundation

Sharon Lynn Kagan was awarded $150,000 by the Heising-Simons Foundation for the project Visioning Early Childhood Policy in Institutions of Higher Education.


Robin Hood Foundation

Carol Scheffner Hammer was awarded $275,000 by the Robin Hood Foundation for the project Development of the 3K Version of ExCELL [Exceptional Coaching for Early Language and Literacy].


Spencer Foundation

Srikala Naraian was awarded $49,977 by the Spencer Foundation for the project (Re)Assembling ‘Inclusion:’ Perspectives of Students with Intellectual Disabilities.


Wallace Foundation

Alex Bowers was awarded $1,520,815 by the Wallace Foundation (sub to U of Wisconsin/Madison) for the project CALL-MEI: Mapping Equity Indicators.



Peter Coleman was awarded $400,000 by WEND II for the project Poetry and Conflict Outreach.


William & Flora Hewlett Foundation 

Michael Rebell was awarded $600,000 by the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation for the project Educational Rights as a Foundation and Catalyst for Civic Education Equity.


Arrow Impact Foundation

Kim Noble was awarded $200,000 by Arrow Impact Foundation for the project Baby's First Years


Aspen Institute College Excellence Program, the ECMC Foundation and the College Futures Foundation

Davis Jenkins was awarded $380,000 by the Kresge Foundation for the project Advancing Racial and Socioeconomic Equity in Transfer Student Success


Bezos Family Foundation 

Sharon Lynn Kagan was awarded $800,000 by the Bezos Family Foundation for the project Supporting Underrepresented Early Childhood Policy Fellows

Sharon Lynn Kagan was awarded $900,000 by Bezos Family Foundation for the project Early Childhood Policy Core Initiative

Kim Noble was awarded $3,750,000 by the Bezos Family Foundation for the project Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life: Phase 2


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Hana Lahr was awarded $90,000 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the project Kentucky Student Success Collaborative Program Onboarding Institute

Elizabeth Willen was awarded $800,000 by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the Gates-Math Project


Holland Foundation  

Kim Noble was awarded $1,200,000 by the Holland Foundation for the project Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life


Hopelab Foundation & Youth Power for Responsible Technology

Michael Rebell was awarded $100,000 by Hopelab Foundation & Youth Power for Responsible Technology for the Youth Engagement Project


Jacobs Foundation

Alex Eble was awarded $159,35 by the Jacobs Foundation for the Jacobs Foundation Project


John Templeton Foundation

Melanie Brewster was awarded $78,578 by the John Templeton Foundation (award managed by the Queen’s University of Belfast) for the project Unbelief in Marginalized Communities


Kresge Foundation

Davis Jenkins was awarded $380,000 by the Kresge Foundation for the project Advancing Racial and Socioeconomic Equity in Transfer Student Success


Lozier Foundation

Kim Noble was awarded $1,200,000 by the Lozier Foundation for the project Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life


Michael J. Fox Foundation

Bryan Keller was awarded $499,254 by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for the project Understand Me for Life: Using noise-augmented automatic speech recognition to improve intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease


New York Health Foundation

Jen Cadenhead was awarded $200,000 by New York Health Foundation for the project Understanding Barriers and Facilitators of Universal Free School Meals in NYS


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Kim Noble was awarded $3,000,0000 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the project Household Income and Child Development in the First Three Years of Life


Strada Education Network

Davis Jenkins was awarded $800,000 by the Strada Education Network for the project Increasing the Returns to Dual Enrollment for States, Colleges, and Students


William & Flora Hewlett Foundation 

Ezekiel Dixon-Roman was awarded $400,000 by the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation for the project AP Seminar with African Diaspora Content: Intersection of Cultural Connectedness and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy to Enhance Student Outcomes


W.T. Grant Foundation

Amy Stuart Wells was awarded $300,000 by the WT Grant Foundation for the project Public Learning for a Multiracial Democracy: Constructing a New Narrative on Race and Education

Other Funders


Luis Huerta was awarded $15,000 by Columbia University for the project “Center for Public Research and Leadership Scholar Awards.”

Paulo Blikstein was awarded $74,860 by Rio de Janeiro Secretary of Education (sub to Columbia Global Centers - Rio de Janeiro) for the project “FabLearn STEM Teaching for the 21st Century: From Learning Target to Curricular Units.”

Paulo Blikstein was awarded $164,000 by Columbia Global Centers - Rio de Janeiro for the project “Itaú Center.”

Paulo Blikstein was awarded $240,313 by Columbia Global Centers - Rio de Janeiro for the project “Professional Development Programs - Itaú Social GETs + GA.”



Ruth Vinz and Roberta Kang were awarded $17,940 by the Ocean View School District for the project “Ocean View School District.”



Ruth Vinz and Roberta Kang were awarded $8,000 by Osborne High School for the project “Osborne High School.”



Carolina Concha-Arriagada was awarded $90,000 by the University of Chicago for the project “Support for Research in Education.”



Thomas Brock was awarded $450,000 by JP Morgan for the project “Examining Community College Student Enrollment and Completions in Green Sector Occupations.”




Haute Ecole Pédagogique du Canton de Vaud 

Paulo Blikstein was awarded $20,080 by the Haute Ecole Pédagogique du Canton de Vaud for the project Teachers as Makers of Pedagogical Tools in International Contexts


Ellen Meier was awarded $75,000 by the City College of New York - Colin Powell School for the project Evaluating efforts to support student success at the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at CCNY



Peter Coleman was warded $26,445 by Columbia University for the Social Impact Fellowship

Mary Mendenhall was awarded $22,387 by the Columbia University - World Projects for Ubumwe: Arts for Education and Public Health with Refugee Children and Youth



Alex Eble was awarded $24,000, with EPSA doctoral candidate Saloni Gupta (co-PI), by the Weiss Fund for Research in Development Economics at the University of Chicago for the project Can Government Schools Teach Innovation to Middle School Children? Experimental Evidence from India

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