Welcome to the Office of the Vice Dean for Research
The Office of the Vice Dean for Research (VDR) provides researchers with information about internal and external funding opportunities, funding databases, and grant proposal preparation. VDR connects TC researchers with grant-writing groups and TC offices - such as IRB, OSP, DFI, and OGE - that facilitate research and grant proposal submissions. VDR also manages the Provost's competitive internal funding opportunities for students and faculty; celebrates the research conducted at TC, disseminates timely news through our monthly Research@TC Newsletter, website, discipline-specific listservs, and organizes networking opportunities to promote interdisciplinary grant-funded research collaborations within TC and between Columbia University and TC faculty. A highlight of this initiative is the series of networking events (“TCUB Connects”) for faculty at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Barnard College. For more information, please visit each research-related office that is eager to assist you, or contact Dr. Caroline Ebanks, Vice Dean for Research, vdr@tc.columbia.edu.