The 13th Commencement Ceremony of TC Tokyo | Teachers College Columbia University

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The 13th Commencement Ceremony of TC Tokyo

The 13th Commencement of the MA TESOL program of TC Tokyo.

Twenty graduates received their diplomas at the Thirteenth Commencement Ceremony of the Teachers College M.A. in TESOL Program in Tokyo recently. The invited Teachers College guests included an alumnus from Group Four, Sakae Onoda and Professor Emeritus John Fanselow, the former Director of the Tokyo and New York TESOL Programs and faculty member. Fanselow represented the New York campus at the ceremony.

The Director of the Tokyo M.A. Program, Terry Royce, spoke about the recent momentous changes in the Tokyo M.A. Program, including the program's new site in Suidobashi, in the central area of Tokyo. It has a larger library space with eight new computers on a fast network with each classroom fully connected to the Internet. He also said that with the association with SIMUL International-the original partners-officially ending, the M.A. Program was incorporated.

After the Director's report, Fanselow presented the third winner of the John Fanselow Scholarship in Tokyo to Miguel Sosa. In his commencement remarks, Fanselow concentrated on the need for all educators to raise questions in all things, and much in the way that children always seek knowledge, to be open to all possibilities with a non-judgmental approach. Assisted in this process by the Alumni Representative Onoda, he presented the diplomas. Please visit the program's Web site at

Published Monday, May. 20, 2002


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