Q-and-A: 'Building Blocks' are keys to learning | Teachers College Columbia University

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Q-and-A: 'Building Blocks' are keys to learning

Gene Maeroff says it's time to go back to the beginning. In his new book, Building Blocks: Making Children Successful in the Early Years of School, he says we should pay more attention to the benefits of preschool -'" and consider creating more pre-K-to-third-grade (PK-3) programs that cater to children under 9.

Even as Americans worry about low graduation rates in high school and college, education journalist Gene Maeroff says it's time to go back to the beginning. In his new book, Building Blocks: Making Children Successful in the Early Years of School, he says we should pay more attention to the benefits of preschool -'" and consider creating more pre-K-to-third-grade (PK-3) programs that cater to children under 9. A former New York Times reporter, Maeroff was the founding director of the Hechinger Institute at Columbia University's Teachers College. He talks with USA TODAY reporter Greg Toppo

To view the question and answer click on the link below.

This article appeared in the October 3, 2006 edition of the USA Today.


Published Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006


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