Beyond NCLB Hype: A New Agenda for the New Administration | Teachers College Columbia University

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Beyond NCLB Hype: A New Agenda for the New Administration

March 5, 2008
Equity in Education Forum Series, Spring 2008

Teachers College, Columbia University

Featuring the work of Michael Rebell and Jessica Wolff who in their recently published book, Moving Every Child Ahead, argue that the important goals of the federal No Child Left Behind Act have been undermined by the impossible demand that 100% of America’s children reach required proficiency levels by 2014. Instead, they believe NCLB should be revised to require serious efforts to give all children a “meaningful educational opportunity” and offer Congress clear recommendations on how to do so.

Program Agenda

Michael A. Rebell, Executive Director, The Campaign for Educational Equity, Teachers College, Columbia University

John H. Jennings, President & CEO, Center on Education Policy
Thomas L. Rogers
, Executive Director, New York State Council of State Superintendents

Arlene Ackerman
, Incoming Superintendent of the Philadelphia Public Schools & Christian A. Johnson Professor of Outstanding Educational Practice, Teachers College, Columbia University


Published Friday, Oct. 8, 2010


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