Bringing the School Food Revolution to NYC | Teachers College Columbia University

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Bringing the School Food Revolution to NYC

This coming Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th, leading practitioners, educators and advocates of the global school food revolution will gather at Teachers College, Columbia University, for a summit aimed at combating childhood obesity and promoting healthy food choices for kids in New York City schools.
This coming Friday and Saturday, April 11th and 12th, leading practitioners, educators and advocates of the global school food revolution will gather at Teachers College, Columbia University, for a summit aimed at combating childhood obesity and promoting healthy food choices for kids in New York City schools.

The meeting – “Schools, Food and Community: An Ongoing Dialogue Concerning Nutrition in Societies and School Systems Nationwide” – will feature:

  • A keynote address by Roberta Sonnino, of the University of Cardiff, Wales, on the international school food revolution. Sonnino also will speak at Teachers College on Thursday morning, April 10, from 8:30 to 10 am, in 533 Thorndike Hall,  about her soon-to-be-released book, The School Food Revolution: Public Food and the Challenge of Sustainable Development.
  • An address by New York State First Lady Michelle Paterson
  • A lunch prepared by the New York City Department of Education’s School Food program
  • A policy forum on School Food in New York City and major international cities
  • Screening and discussion of “Two Angry Moms”, the part expose, part how-to documentary film by Amy Kalafa and Susan Rubin
  • A workshop on how to start a New York City school garden, conducted by community activist Karen Washington
  • A “Good Food Cabaret,” offering tastings of seasonal foods prepared by the French Culinary Institute
  • A seminar on research-based strategies for moving food-based education to the center of the curriculum
  • A chef’s roundtable
  • A look at groundbreaking cafeteria programs

Other speakers include Patrick M. Hooker, New York State Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets; David Berkowitz, head of New York City’s Office of School Food; Barbara Storper, TC alumna and the originator of “Foodplay,” a theatrical production that teaches kids about nutrition, and the Emmy-winning TV special “Janey's Junkfood Fresh Adventure”; and Peter Riggs, Founding Director of the Forum on Democracy and Trade.

Teachers College is located at 525 West 120th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. The two-day event will run from 3 pm to 9 pm on Friday the 11th and 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday the 12th. The full conference agenda and information about ticket purchase is available at

“Schools, Food and Community” is presented by the Baum Forum, a not-for-profit educational program focused on food and farming issues, and the Nutrition Program of Teachers College, recognized as a national and international leader in nutrition education and research. It is sponsored by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Marks; Pride of New York Program; Apple and Eve; The French Culinary Institute; Cornell Cooperative Extension-NYC; Great Performances and Katchkie Farm, and Jesse and Betsy Fink Foundation of Millstone Farm.

Published Monday, Apr. 7, 2008


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