Dining Chez TC | Teachers College Columbia University

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Dining Chez TC

Never mind presidential debates, new courses, partnerships with city schools or any of the other stuff happening at TC this fall.

The really big news is the new cafeteria.

Two words rarely heard here in the past sum up the new cafeteria: Bon appetit 

Never mind presidential debates, new courses, partnerships with city schools or any of the other stuff happening at TC this fall.

The really big news is the new cafeteria.

If you’re new to the College, that may sound odd, but for old timers, the combination of a gleaming, tastefully reconfigured service area, cheerful new paint job and – best of all – better food (at similar prices; the only difference is that now tax is added to your total instead of figured into the price of each item) is nothing short of manna from downstairs.

The revamped cafeteria opened a week into the fall semester after a summer of extensive renovations, the cost of which was partly underwritten by CulinArt, the new food services vendor. It features a new grill and sandwiches named after senior staff – the Susan Fuhrman (club); the Tom James (ham and cheese); the Scott Fahey (grilled vegetable, reflecting its namesake’s new focus on cholesterol concerns). CulinArt is also green-minded, buying much of its produce from local and often organic growers. The company has even restored TC’s automatic dishwasher, which means the cafeteria can now use china instead of paper.

Harvey Spector, VP for Finance and Administration, praised Jim Mitchell, Assistant Vice President for Campus and Auxiliary Services, who managed the project on a day to day basis with the assistance of Jim Vespi, Director of Facilities, and Vince Del Bagno, Director of Capital Projects, for successful completion of the cafeteria project.

“They did a great job on a tight schedule,” Spector said, “and now we look forward to seeing everyone using and enjoying the new facility.”

Please visit the new Dining Web site at www.culinartinc.com/teacherscollege.

See the Grace Dodge Café weekly menu, service concepts and hours of operation; CulinArt’s bi-monthly Eat Well nutrition newsletter; the full online catering order system; and more!


Published Friday, Sep. 19, 2008


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