Study, Released by TC Center, Finds Michigan Charters Spend ... | Teachers College Columbia University

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Study, Released by TC Center, Finds Michigan Charters Spend More on Administration Than Regular Public Schools

The new study, by David Arsen of Michigan State University and Yongmei Ni of the University of Utah, and released by TC's National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, finds charter schools spend more per pupil on administration and less on instruction than traditional public schools.
The new study, by David Arsen of Michigan State University and Yongmei Ni of the University of Utah, and released by TC's National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, finds charter schools spend more per pupil on administration and less on instruction than traditional public schools.

Link: Study Probes Charters' Spending on Instruction, Administration

Published Thursday, Apr. 12, 2012


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