The Elephant in the Classroom | Teachers College Columbia University

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The Elephant in the Classroom

“Beyond the Schoolhouse Door: Bringing Non-School Factors Into Education Policy,” a conference held at TC in September, focused on the latest research on the connection between poverty and education and the implications for policy. 

Sponsored by TC’s Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis (EPSA), the event featured Richard D. Kahlenberg, of the Century Foundation; Greg J. Duncan, of the School of Education at the University of California, Irvine; Richard Murnane, of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University; William F. Tate, of Washington University in St. Louis; and TC’s Michael Rebell, Professor of Law and Education. Jeffrey Henig, Chair of EPSA, moderated.

“There has been a remarkable divergence in the educational outcomes for kids growing up in high- and low-income families,” said Duncan. 

Published Friday, Dec. 7, 2012


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