CEE Unveils Report Supporting School-Based Health Centers | Teachers College Columbia University

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CEE Unveils Report Supporting School-Based Health Centers

Earlier this month, CEE released a new report, "Supporting Learning through Better Health: A Strategy to Ensure Adequate and Stable Funding for School-Based Health Centers in New York State," which outlines strategy that would help promote the expansion of SBHCs throughout New York. SBHCs provide valuable medical, mental health, and reproductive services right in the school building where students can readily access them.Download the full report here: http://bit.ly/1Gt3vEb

Earlier this month, CEE released a new report, "Supporting Learning through Better Health: A Strategy to Ensure Adequate and Stable Funding for School-Based Health Centers in New York State," which outlines strategy that would help promote the expansion of SBHCs throughout New York. SBHCs provide valuable medical, mental health, and reproductive services right in the school building where students can readily access them. Download the full report here: http://bit.ly/1Gt3vEb

Published Thursday, Jul. 9, 2015


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