In Education Week, TC's Gaudelli Calls For Global Citizenship Education | Teachers College Columbia University

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In Education Week, TC's Gaudelli Calls For Global Citizenship Education

In May at the World Education Forum recently held in Incheon, South Korea, global citizenship education was identified as part of a quality education for all students. Writing for Education Week, William Gaudelli, associate professor and chair of the Department of Arts and Humanities and co-founder of the Global Competence Certificate Program,  who attended the forum, outlines the reasons why it is critical to raise global citizens.

LINK: A Call for Global Citizenship Education (Education Week Blog)

The views expressed in the previous article are solely those of the speakers to whom they are attributed. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, administration, or staff either of Teachers College or of Columbia University.

Published Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015


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