Weight-Lifting Men Have Higher Self-Esteem: TC's Ciccolo to Psychology Today | Teachers College Columbia University

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Weight-Lifting Men Have Higher Self-Esteem: TC's Ciccolo to Psychology Today

Research by Joseph Ciccolo, Assistant Professor of Applied Physiology in the Biobehavioral Sciences Department, is the subject of an article in Psychology Today. Ciccolo found that men can raise their self-esteem by increasing their muscular strength.

Ciccolo told Psychology Today that the fact that muscular strength was associated with self-esteem for men but not women suggests that the relationship may be based more on societal values than on biological differences. “It is not surprising that we found a gender difference given our current American culture,” comments Ciccolo. “For many young men, it is important to be perceived as strong, and the connection between a young man’s self-worth or self-esteem and his overall muscularity or physical strength is clearly evident in the mass media.

Published Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015


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