Bailey to New York Times: Community College Leaders "Embracing Structural Reform | Teachers College Columbia University

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Bailey to New York Times: Community College Leaders "Embracing Structural Reform"


In a June 22, 2016, story in New York Times story, "Revamping Community Colleges to Improve Graduation Rates," TC's Tom Bailey, George & Abby O'Neill Professor of Economics and Education and Director of the Community College Research Center, says,  “Confronted with evidence built up over years of research that community colleges are too often failing their mission of educating all comers, college leaders are embracing a reform movement that calls for a fundamental overhaul of the structure of community colleges and the way students choose and follow a route to a degree.”   

The story reports that "Nationally, only about 25 percent of first-time, full-time students entering public community colleges graduate within the traditional three years, according to the National Center for Education Statistics." But many community colleges are making changes to try to ensure that more students graduate.

LINK TO STORY: Revamping Community Colleges to Improve Graduation Rates 

Published Monday, Jun 27, 2016

Thomas Bailey, Founding Director of CCRC

Thomas Bailey, Founding Director of CCRC

Thomas Bailey, Founding Director of CCRC